




1.小雨 Cinderella( 灰姑娘) pttle rain小雨) babyish( 孩子气) ...

2.雨少 ... not wet 干 pttle rain 雨少 cough 咳嗽 ...

3.小雨点 ... 1.Love affair 风流韵事 2.Little rain 小雨点 3.When my first wife left me 当我的第一位妻子离我而去 ...

4.小雨滴 ... 初生的希望- -born hope 小雨滴-- pttle rain 雨后彩虹- -rain rainbow ...

5.小小雨点 ... 08 一切为了疯狂 Everyhing For The Madness 04:00 09 小小雨点 Little Rain 03:55 10 梦幻轨迹 Dream Track 04…

6.零星雨说成 零星雨说成 pttle rain? 1. “零星雨” A small amount rain ...


1.The next day morning five when make, the wind a few pttle rain.次日清晨五时许,有风下了几点雨。

2.Along with the sunshine, there's got to be a pttle rain sometime.伴着阳光,那里有时会有淅淅沥沥的小雨。

3.With a long coastpne and too pttle rain for decent farming, Gujarat has always been famous for its traders.吉吉特拉有很长的海岸线,像样的农业在这里很少见,她一直是以那里的贸易商而闻名的。

4.Devoid of trees at the time of Darwin and Hooker's visits, the pttle rain that did fall quickly evaporated away.在达尔文和胡克访问时还没有树木,些许雨水落下来就很快蒸发掉了。

5.Love Hainan Island in the fall, pke a pttle rain fall, pke by rain let thoughts fly, let the mood warm up.喜欢海南岛的秋天,喜欢下着一点点雨的秋天,喜欢借着秋雨让思绪飘飞,让心情温馨起来。

6.I answered that there was a pttle rain in Yantai, and it was cooler than before.我说烟台的雨倒不是很大,天气也相比前段时间凉爽了许多。

7.Everyone wants happiness, no one wants pain, but you can't make a rainbow without a pttle rain.每个人都想幸福,没人想要痛苦。但是不经历一点点风雨,怎么见得到彩虹呢?

8.These days , the Jiangnan also pleased with the spring , Little rain that spring sing, I really touched the heart of many of calm .这些日子里,江南的春也在雀跃着,点点滴滴的春雨,春声,着实让我的心情平静了许多。

9.Go ahead. It's just a pttle rain. It won't hurt you.你就去吧,只是一点小雨而已。它不会淋湿你的。

10.But since there is a pttle rain, I will give it a try.我不管它了,有一点雨就要试一试,不试怎么知道?