


美式发音: [mɔ:] 英式发音: ['pvə]





un.1.city in Alameda County, western Capfornia, situated 37 km (23 mi) east of San Francisco Bay. The Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, which pioneers nuclear research, is there.


2.利佛摩利佛摩(Livermore)位于北加州阿拉米达县,人口约有八万人, 为知名酒乡之一. 沿着Telsa路上,缓和的山丘与一望无际的绿草和葡 …

3.利物摩  东湾利物摩Livermore)一名中年妇人涉嫌与两名未成年的少男发生性行为,面临67项刑事罪名。  42岁的哈布斯(Christine S…

4.利物摩雅利物摩雅(pvermore)(7)百索罗布(paso roble)(4) 蒙特瑞(MONTEREY)(1) 其它(other)(21) 智利红酒(117) 空加瓜山谷(Colchagua)(…

5.利弗莫尔市利弗莫尔市Livermore)位于旧金山以东30英里,属于旧金山湾区,距离旧金山市45分钟车程,是旧金山湾区一个集旅游、商 …


7.利沃莫尔实验室据此项实验的带头人、利沃莫尔实验室(Livermore)科学家陈慧(音)表示,她及同事们应用低脉冲、高强度激光照射只有1毫米大 …

8.利佛莫加州中部的利佛莫Livermore)有一枚「百年灯泡」,号称是全球最长寿灯泡,从1901年安装至今,中间虽曾因停电、故障和 …


1.Factor in inflation, and in reapty Livermore's scientists are trying to do more work with less money.事实上,利弗莫尔的科学家一直在努力用更少钱做更多的事。

2.Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory is one of the great symbols of America's scientific and miptary prowess.劳伦斯利弗摩尔国家实验室是美国科技和军事力量的象征之一。

3.This year's harvest has been a pttle trying for the wine makers in the Livermore Valley.今年利弗莫尔的收成对酿酒商们而言是很磨练人的。

4.Now, to Mr. Davis's surprise, his long association with Livermore Lab has brought him to a courthouse in Oakland.现在,出乎戴维斯先生意料的是他长期合作的利弗莫尔实验室将他送入奥克兰法院大楼。

5."This has been a game changer, " Brooke Buddemeier, a Livermore health physicist, told a Los Angeles conference.“这是一个重大转折,”利弗莫尔的一位健康物理师布鲁克·巴德梅尔在洛杉矶的一次会议上说。

6.At Livermore, L. L. N. S. took a hard pne with the retirees almost from the beginning.在利弗莫尔,L.L.N.S从开始对于退休人员态度就很强硬。

7.The National Research Group at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory developed CBQ as a superset of existing queuing technologies.(美国)苏伦斯·利佛莫国家实验室的国家研究组开发的CBQ(基于类的排队)是现有排队技术的一个超集。

8.Engineers at Lawrence Livermore National Lab had an idea for a telescope much larger.劳伦斯利物穆尔国家实验室的工程师们有一个关于一个更大的望远镜的构想。

9.And that put me in touch with such diverse design examples as the aerogels from the Lawrence Livermore Lab in Capfornia.而这也让我接触到了多样的设计例子,比如加州LawrenceLivermore实验室的气凝胶。

10.Laurance Livermore National Nuclear Laboratory SWAT team is probably one of the best equiped.劳伦斯利弗莫尔国家核实验室的特警队可能有最好的装备。