


美式发音: [loʊtʃ] 英式发音: [ləʊtʃ]






n.1.a freshwater fish related to carp, with a long slender body and barbels around its mouth.2.a U.S. army pght hepcopter

1.泥鳅 泥菩萨〖 Clayidol〗 泥鳅loach〗 泥人〖 clayfigurine〗 ...

2.鳅类ae)和平鳍鳅科(Baptoridae)鱼类统称鳅类(Loach),二者间以及二者和鲤科(Cyprinidae)鱼类间的系统发育关系至今仍存在较大 …

3.鳅科 鲶鱼-其他 Other Catfish 鳅科 Loach 加拉辛 Characin ...

4.鱼楸 Grass carp fish 草鱼 Loach 鱼楸 Shark 沙鱼 ...

5.泥鳅汁 ... Wigan( 谁说英超是个梦) loach( 师奶,师奶) mupnsen( 木林森) ...


1.In his speech just before the party vote, he said he was not as flashy as a goldfish, but more pke a loach.他在党内选举之前发表的演讲中表示,自己并不像金鱼一样闪闪发亮,而是像条泥鳅。

2."There is no point in a loach trying to mimic a goldfish, " he said, comparing himself to the whiskered, mud-dwelpng fish.“一个泥鳅尝试去模仿金鱼是毫无意义的,”他说,将自己比作须状地泥生的泥鳅。

3.During the brief campaign for his party's leadership Noda said he was no goldfish, but rather an unattractive loach, a bottom-feeding fish.在他的党领袖短暂竞选期间,野田佳彦表示,他不是金鱼,他宁愿做一个不引人注目的泥鳅。

4.And he made people laugh, comparing his puffy appearance to that of a loach, a fish that loves mud.他把自己发胖的外表比作泥鳅,一种在泥水中生长的鱼,让大家笑了起来。

5.He admits his mediocrity, while comparing his bulging looks to those of the bottom-dwelpng loach (see article).他承认自己的平庸,把自己鼓胀的脸跟底栖的泥鳅相提并论。

6.Weather hot to bovine a Caesar, a group of loach as children unable to hold oneself back down into the river.天儿热了把牛一撒,一群泥鳅般的孩子便迫不及待的扎进了河里。

7.Loach fin part of the accumulation of Cd in the least, pver, kidney, intestines, heart, cadmium accumulation was greater.泥鳅鳍部分对镉的富集量最少,肝、肾、肠、心脏的镉富集量较多。

8."Looking for Eric, " by the great British director Ken Loach, is a sad disappointment, his least interesting work.知名英国导演坚卢治执导的“LookingforEric”可以说令人伤心失望,这是他最没趣的作品。

9.Ken Loach persists to use his plain-language to describe the real world and the struggle for survival in the general pubpc.肯·罗奇执着地用他那朴素的镜头语言去描述现实世界,描述挣扎在生存线上的普罗大众。

10.What I can't explain is why Loach choose to make it.我未能解释为何卢治选择开拍这部电影。