


美式发音: [lest] 英式发音: [lest]



conj.in case,for fear that,so as not tolest显示所有例句conj.

1.免得;以免in order to prevent sth from happening

He gripped his brother's arm lest he be trampled by the mob.他紧抓着他弟弟的胳膊,怕他让暴民踩着。

2.(引出产生某种情感的原因)唯恐,担心used to introduce the reason for the particular emotion mentioned

She was afraid lest she had revealed too much.她担心她泄露得太多了。


conj.1.<formal>in case sth. unpleasant happens


1.Lest anyone miss the point, Patopchev was all smiles when he left the White House.唯恐有人不理解,帕托利切夫在离开白宫时满面堆笑。

2.Lest anyone (should) worry that this will lead to price increases, let me reassure you that it will not.为避免有人担心这样会导致物价上涨,我再次向你们保证绝对不会有这种事。

3.Let me assure you that this will not lead to price increases lest some of you worry a lot.我向你们保证这不会导致价格上升,这样你们就不会担心太多了。

4.Lest anyone(should)worry that this will lead to price increases, let me reassure them that it will not.为避免有人担心这样会导致物价上涨,我谨再次向他们保证绝对不会有这种事(发生)。

5.But he never did more than pnger about the tables and look at the dice as they clattered upon the table, fearful lest he lose if he played.可他只是在赌桌旁转来转去的,看着色子在赌桌上哗哗地撒着,害怕自己赌输了。

6.Particularly, I was more cautious of firing my gun, lest any of them, being on the island, should happen to hear of it.特别在放枪的时候,我更是小心翼翼,生怕岛上有什么人碰巧听见枪声。

7.Lest you think I invented this myself, notice that the original SwingSet code includes such a call.以免您认为这是我自己发明的,请注意最初的SwingSet代码包括这样一个调用。

8.You may want to decide, lest you get corralled into a group outing when it's the last thing you want -- or miss out on some fun.你希望能决定,免得只能固定进一个你不喜欢的圈子里,失去很多快乐。

9.If ever you come to your country, be advised, you should not venture again into lands that you know not, lest you never should return.倘若你们回到贵国,请记取我一言:切莫再到异国他乡去涉险猎奇,否则将有去无回。

10.Chew your words, lest you choke You better watch your mouth Wash it out with soap.咀嚼你的话,免得你呛更好,你看你的嘴,用肥皂。