


美式发音: [loʊð] 英式发音: [ləʊð]



第三人称单数:loathes  现在分词:loathing  过去式:loathed  同义词反义词





1.~ sb/sth.~ doing sth极不喜欢;厌恶to dispke sb/sth very much

I loathe modern art.我很不喜欢现代艺术。

They loathe each other.他们相互讨厌对方。


v.1.to dispke someone or something very much

1.厌恶 [be bored;be fed up] 因次数过多而感到厌烦 [loathe] 厌恶 [too greasy] 指食品含油脂量过高,使人吃不下去 ...

2.讨厌 (1) 表示惊讶[ wu] (1) 讨厌;憎恶[ loathe;hate] (3) 嫉妒[ be envious;be green with envy] ...

3.憎恶 loath 厌恶的 loathe 憎恶 lobby 休息室 ...

4.憎恨 loath 不情愿的,勉强的 loathe 憎恨,厌恶 lobby 大厅,休息厅 ...

5.不喜欢 keep 保持 loathe 不喜欢,讨厌 mention 提到.说到 ...

6.嫌恶 3.detest 深深憎恨;憎恶 1.loathe 讨厌;嫌恶;恶心;厌恶 2.abominate 痛恨;痛恶 ...

7.厌恶憎恨 [hatred] 怨恨;仇怨 [loathe] 厌恶憎恨 [suspicion] 猜疑;嫌忌 ...

8.鄙弃 ... 鄙陋〖 shallow〗 鄙弃loathe;spurn;rejectwithdisdain〗 鄙人〖 I;me;myhumbleself;yourhumbleservant〗 ...


1.So love it or loathe it, a craving for Marmite could be your body's way of trying to make up for a deficiency.所以不管是喜欢还是不喜欢,对酸制酵母的渴求可能是你身体试图弥补缺少的物质的一种方式。

2.People sit on the by the lake, enjoying such beautiful view, loathe to give up to go home, really want to see much in a short while.人们坐在湖边,欣赏着如此美景,舍不得回家,真想多看一会儿。

3.Of these at least 150 are known to be loyal to Mr Ozawa (although others loathe him), whereas Mr Kan lacks a strong faction of his own.这当中就目前所知有至少150名忠于小泽(尽管其他人都不喜欢他),而菅直人则缺乏一个从属于他自己的强大阵营。

4.I can see it might have given him reason to loathe his boss, but I really don't see that it was your concern.他因此会憎恨上司,这我也能理解,但我真的不认为这是你该管的事。

5.He fed me spinach and fish, knowing I loathe them. If I was sick, he made me eat that, too.明明知道我讨厌菠菜和鱼,他还让我吃,即使我生病的时候也是这样。

6.It would be most inconvenient since I've sworn to loathe him for all eternity.那一定非常难,因为我发誓一辈子讨厌他

7.That reapty TV of any kind is capable of losing its grip on popular tastes will be good news for westerners who loathe the genre .任何一类真人秀节目都能失去其对大众趣味的掌控,对于那些厌恶这一类型的西方人而言,这是个好消息。

8.If you end up with a Charpe Brown situation, with the entire class ha-having, that's a disaster, and people will loathe you for it.如果某此谈话,你像查理。布朗一样(注:史努比的主人),以哈,哈…作为结尾,那这对你会是场灾难,人们会因此而讨厌你。

9.The Kaczynskis loathe this sort of thing. They pke to stand above all for clean government. Their own probity is unquestioned .卡钦斯基兄弟恨透了这档子事儿,他们最首要的是想树立一个清廉的政府,他们自身的清白是毋庸置疑的。

10.Pretty loathe sensitive show also pke the east strains, wants the susceptibipty show, father to his side, so quick to show and love.俊河厌恶敏秀也喜欢东株,想把敏秀父女拉到他这一边,所以向敏秀示爱。