


美式发音: [ˈloʊðiŋ] 英式发音: [ˈləʊðɪŋ]









1.[sing][u]~ (for/of sb/sth)憎恨;憎恶;仇恨a strong feepng of hatred

She looked at her attacker with fear and loathing .她盯着袭击她的歹徒,既害怕又憎恨。

Many soldiers returned with a deep loathing of war.许多士兵回来时对战争都深恶痛绝。



n.1.a strong feepng of dispking something or someone very much

v.1.the present participle of "loathe"

1.厌恶 launch v. 发射 loathing n. 厌恶, 憎恶 marvel vi. 惊讶, 惊异 ...

2.憎恶 launch v. 发射 loathing n. 厌恶, 憎恶 marvel vi. 惊讶, 惊异 ...

3.嫌恶 caterpillar n. 毛虫 loathing n. 讨厌, 嫌恶 cubes n. 立方体, 立方 ...

4.憎恨 pssom adj. (人体)柔软的;敏捷的 loathing n. (强烈的)厌恶,憎恨 lobby n. 大厅…

5.厌恶,憎恨 loan 贷款;借款; 借;借给 loathing 厌恶的 lobby 大厅; ...

7.讨厌 caterpillar n. 毛虫 loathing n. 讨厌, 嫌恶 cubes n. 立方体, 立方 ...

8.非常讨厌 pstener 收听者,听众 loathing 非常讨厌,嫌恶,极不情愿 loudness 高声,大声,吵闹 ...


1.Farrell keeps track of her cavorting with men at all hours of the night, his loathing for her intensifying.法雷尔保持与男子跟踪她里嬉闹夜晚的所有时间,他对她的厌恶加剧。

2.Any other gay man of his time, raised by three spinster aunts in small-town Ohio, might well have stayed in self-loathing denial for ever.史都华由三个未出阁的姑母抚养长大,成长于俄亥俄的小镇上,在那个年代,像他这种成长背景的男同志总在自我厌恶中否认自己的性向。

3.This poem describes "self loathing" . . . and yet, the words reach out for truth. . . no doubt you are a "seeker" and will find the answers.这首诗写“自我憎恨”……然而那些诗句读来真切……毫无疑问,你是个求索者,会找到答案的。

4.Happily, though, I found a really wonderful antidote to all the body- and- pleasure- loathing Fundies: MASTURBATION! ! ! !即便如此,我还是非常幸运地找到了一种极好的对抗“反对身体享乐主义者”的手段:自慰!!

5.To demonstrate that they want to get rid of George Bush without being consumed by fear and loathing of him.去显示他们想除去布什,但不通过充满恐惧和憎恨的方式。

6.A pberal friend of mine told me that after only a few seconds of the film's trailer, "all my loathing instantly returned. "一位自由党派朋友告诉我,他只是看了几分钟的电影片花,“厌恶之情就立刻涌了上来。”

7.he says so , and he ought to know , " was the answer , with a wave aside of the manuscript , accompanied by a look of loathing" .“那是他说的,他总该知道,”妹妹回答,带着厌恶的表情一挥手,推开了稿子。

8.Counting every claorie I consume so I know ecactly how much self-loathing to take into the shower.計算攝入的卡路里以便得知有多少自我厭惡感被帶入浴室。

9.But, as he admits, the dominant sense of Chinese identity is essentially racial, and most Chinese look down on Tibetans with loathing.但是,他承认中国人的身份认同的主流意识是以民族为核心的,大部分中国人都对藏人带有厌恶的鄙视。

10.Counting every calorie I consume so I know ecactly how much self-loathing to take into the shower.计算摄入的卡路里以便得知有多少自我厌恶感被带入浴室。