



美式发音: [loʊf] 英式发音: [ləʊf]

n.(一)条;一条面包(通常重 1、2、4磅);面包形糖块;混日子



现在分词:loafing  过去式:loafed  第三人称单数:loafs  复数:loaves  同义词

n.sugar loaf



n.1.一个面包〔通常重 1,2,4磅〕2.混日子3.面包形糖块;面包形菜肴,食品等〔如一个菜心〕4.〔英口〕脑袋5.(一)块,片1.一个面包〔通常重 1,2,4磅〕2.混日子3.面包形糖块;面包形菜肴,食品等〔如一个菜心〕4.〔英口〕脑袋5.(一)块,片

v.1.to do very little and spend time in a lazy, rather wasteful way2.to spend time doing nothing, usually when you should be working

n.1.a quantity of bread, shaped and baked as a whole2.a quantity of food baked in a loaf pan or shaped to form a rectangular block and baked3网址被屏蔽mon sense or intelligence4.bread in a long, round, or square shape that you cut into slicesthin flat pieces for eating. A sliced loaf has been cut into slices before it is sold1.a quantity of bread, shaped and baked as a whole2.a quantity of food baked in a loaf pan or shaped to form a rectangular block and baked3网址被屏蔽mon sense or intelligence4.bread in a long, round, or square shape that you cut into slicesthin flat pieces for eating. A sliced loaf has been cut into slices before it is sold

1.面包 clearer than crystal = 很清晰的, 很清楚的 loaves = 面包 fishes = 鱼 ...

2.大块烤过的食物 laud 赞美;称赞;颂歌 loaves 大块烤过的食物 mascot 吉祥物;福神 ...

3.饼 )..... the child's mother 孩子的母亲 )..... loaves )..... fish 鱼 ...

4.长块石头 walk the line 沿墙巡视,确定地界。 loaves 长块石头。 nearly balls 近似球状的石头。 ...

5.烤过食物 loaves and fishes 物质利益 loaves 烤过食物 lob along 跑 ...

6.大面包居民销售家中自制食品。 洛杉矶的史坦布勒(Mark Stambler)以自家后院柴火,烘焙脆皮全麦大面包loaves)远近驰名, …


1.and he took the seven loaves and the fishes; and he gave thanks and brake, and gave to the disciples, and the disciples to the multitudes.拿着这七个饼和几条鱼,祝谢了,擘开,递给门徒;门徒又递给众人。

2.Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves.就拿着这五个饼,两条鱼,望着天,祝福,擘开饼,递给门徒。

3.In the beverage aisles of a Beijing supermarket, Cui Jixian said he noticed only that loaves of bread were smaller.在北京一家超市的饮料区内,75岁的崔继贤(音)说他只注意到面包片变小了。

4.He blows out the candles, by the light of which he kneaded the new loaves. Only the early morning sunshine breaks through the windows here.靠著烛光他揉捏出一条又一条新做的面包,现在他将蜡烛吹熄。只剩下透过窗户照射进来的微微曙光。

5.Take with you ten loaves, some cakes, and a jar of honey, and go to him. He will tell you what shall happen to the child.现在你要带十个饼,与几个薄饼,和一瓶蜜去见他,他必告诉你儿子将要怎样。

6."Mrs. Loaf should not go to the forest, " said the wolf. "Loaves should stay in the house. Go away, or I shall eat you too. "“面包夫人不应当去树林,”狼说,“面包本该呆在屋里。走开,不然我把你也吃掉。”

7.And . . . please bless our efforts, just as You blessed the loaves and fish.并求祢祝福我们的努力,就如祢祝福五饼二鱼一样。

8.Paul: So what's the principle behind our Bread Club cards? Ms. Brown sure seems to love them. Buy six loaves of bread, get one free, right?保罗:我们面包俱乐部会员卡背后的原理是什么?布朗太太好象很喜欢。是买六送一吗?

9.Cover pans with dish towels, and place in a warm area for another hour. Loaves should double in size.用碟盘毛巾盖住,然后把它们移到一个暖和的地方呆上一小时。

10.There was a table, and on the table there were seven little loaves and seven little glasses. She ate one of the loaves.在小屋里,她看到七张小床,还有一张桌子,桌子上有七块小面包和七个小杯子。