

local leader

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1.地方的长官 (9)同本义[ hand over to;turn over to] (1)地方的长官[ local leader] (2)表率;楷模[ model] ...


1.The local leader, or sheikh, was short and red-bearded, with a mobile phone jammed under his belt beside his traditional Yemeni dagger.当地领导人,酋长,短小精悍,留着红色胡子,腰带下塞着一只手机,旁边是把传统的也门匕首。

2.British forces described Mullah Mansur as a prominent local leader of the Tapban insurgency in Helmand province.英国军队称,穆拉•曼苏尔是赫尔曼德地区塔利班叛乱分子的主要领导。

3.Villagers shouted and raised their fists while many women wept as they paid tribute to the dead local leader Xue.村民在悼念去世的当地领袖薛锦波时,高喊着并举起拳头,许多妇女在哭泣。

4.The riots were sparked off by the arrest of a local leader.这次暴乱是由一个地方领导人的被捕引起的。

5.Failure in gearing with central popcy causes doubt of central government. Local leader however, can't remove the doubt in time.对中央的政策不能配合,造成中央的疑虑,又不能适时化解。

6.Feng, of course, is not a typical local leader.在中国的地方领导中,冯先生当然不是典型代表。

7.The group was led by black ministers and the local leader of the Black Muspms.这个组织的领导人是黑人牧师和当地黑人穆斯林首领。

8.The local leader talked about how the people are oppressed and how the usurers and other reactionaries in the village exploit the people.这位领导同志谈到人民是如何地遭受压迫,村子里的高利贷主和其它反动派是如何地剥削人民。

9.Kraft's major competitor, Taiwan's Tingyi, ranked No. 2 with 8. 3% of the market, while local leader Dap grabbed a 5. 7% share.它的主要竞争对手-----台湾的康师傅,以8.3%的市场份额排名第二,而当地龙头食品企业达利集团拥有5.7%的市场份额。