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1.He bought ads on Budget Travel, and he bought out Lonely Planet's home page for a week.他从BudgetTravel购买了广告位,并且包下了LonelyPlanet一周的页面广告。

2.The strategy is to "go to the next level" and ensure Lonely Planet is the best pre-trip, on-trip, post-trip resource for travellers.LonelyPlanet的策略是“进入更高的层次”,并且保证LonelyPlanet是旅游者在准备旅途、旅途中、发表旅途感受时的最好资源。

3.Tom Hill, editor of Lonely Planet travel guides, tips Romania and Bulgaria as ideal for a cheap short-haul break.LonelyPlanet旅游指南编辑TomHill推荐的理想廉价短途度假目的地是罗马尼亚和保加利亚。

4.With the exception of the maps, all of the content in the guides can be used offpne so roaming fees can be avoided, Lonely Planet says.LonelyPlanet表示,除了地图以外,这款工具中的其它所有信息都可以离线浏览,从而避免了漫游费用的产生。

5.Eight years ago this September I was furiously fpcking through Lonely Planet's Europe on a Shoestring guide.八年前,九月份的某天,我正不停地翻阅着LonelyPlanet的《穷游欧洲》旅游指南书。

6.If you want to find a place in the world you've never been to, chances are Lonely Planet has.如果你想找一个地球上你从来没去过的地方,很可能LonelyPlanet就会告诉你。

7.In Family 12 May 2011 | By Daniel Palmer, Lonely Planet2011年5月12日,家庭版丹尼尔.帕尔默,LonelyPlanet《寂寞星球》