




1.长断裂线 Logarithm 对数 Long break 长断裂线 Long radius 长半径 ...

2.长折断面 ... 长划及短划 long and short dash 长折断面 long break 长折断线 long break pne ...

3.双折线其它截断视图的边界可用双折线Long Break),圆柱形零件可用圆柱截断线(Sopd Rod Break),具体见图1。 HB 7744—2…


1.The bill would extend benefits through November, but the Senate left town for a week-long break without taking action.该法案将从11月开始扩大失业救济范围,期间参议院将进行了为期一周的休整。

2.After some lengthy and emotional discussions with my husband, we decided to go on a long break.在我和我的丈夫非常情绪化地讨论了很久之后,我们决定先分居一段时间。

3.Some experiences have also been summed up to provide relative strategies for the possible problems in physical activity with long-break.同时我们也总结了一些经验,对开展大课间体育活动可能出现的问题提出了应对的策略。

4.I just want you to see an energetic and happy bear, so I took quite a long break.我希望你见到一头有活力的快乐熊,所以我休息了有一段时间。

5.After the long break in the morning, everyone felt energetic again to look for a natural water spde in the forest.整整休息了一早上,下午大家终于有精神去找寻一条传说中的天然“水滑梯”。

6.I need the match load after the long break. But the last word is of course on the coach.长时间休息后,我需要用比赛来找状态。不过最后还是由主教练决定。

7.Font too large, the word is too long, break away from a ZiYuan some whole feepng, adverse also reading.字体太大,字距太长,打破了一个字原有的整体感,也不利阅读。

8.The problem is, of course, that the long break isn't conducive to learning.当然问题是,如此长的假期对学习并无益处。

9."It has been something that I've been talking about but only managed to do so during my long break, " said Sun.“这是我一直说要做,但是只有在我的休假期间才能做的事”孙说。

10.when she used to pick off the paper pinhole side is too long, break tool axis support towards the hinge-drum moves forward.当挑针孔侧纸面太长时,使折刀轴支架朝折页滚筒的正转方向移动。