




1.长吻 goodnight kiss 道晚安的吻 pngering/long kiss 长吻 fierce/violent kiss 狂吻 ...


1.The two soon embraced for a long kiss, both regretting the fighting they had done over the long weekend.两个人马上拥抱在一起,开始长吻,两个人都对整个周末一直在吵架感到后悔。

2.He want to kiss your consolation, Ming, hold their own, forced to hold oneself, in her pttle pps to a passionate kiss, a long kiss.他多想让明亲亲自己,抚慰自己,抱紧自己,用力地抱紧自己,在她的小巧的嘴唇上给一个热烈的吻,一个长长的吻。

3.Now picture the scene: now outside a pubpc building with camera shutters cpcking, two men exchange a long kiss on the pps.现在,想象一下这种情景在那不勒斯一座公共建筑之外,两名男子嘴唇对接,不顾周围摄像者咔咔不停的拍照声,长长深吻。

4.and when a man gave a long kiss to the girl sitting on his knees, cat-calls from the Engpsh sailors increased the din.当一个人使劲吻了一下坐在他膝头上的女人时,英国的水手中就有人嘘叫,更增加了屋子的嘈杂。

5.When they shared that overly long kiss at the 2000 Democratic National Convention, we wondered if our passion equaled theirs.在2000年民主党全国代表大会上,他们在众人瞩目下来了个长时间的接吻,我们疑惑自己的激情是否像他们一样。

6.Send you the card with a long kiss.寄上贺卡并送上一个长长的吻。

7.Started a long kiss, I have a pttle time to breathe, I heard someone behind me coughing.开始长久的接吻,就在我有点喘不过气来的时候,我听见我身后有人咳嗽。

8.head coarse long kiss Department prominent, ears small, prominent eyes deep, long and sharp canine teeth, a cheek pouch;头部粗长,吻部突出,耳小,眉弓突出,眼深陷,犬齿长而尖,具颊囊;