


美式发音: [mɛts] 英式发音: [mets]





un.1.city in eastern France, the capital of Moselle Department.


2.美兹美兹metz)15 MS-1 微距环形闪光灯(含:52/55/58mm接环)2600.00立即购买 美兹 58 AF-2 闪光灯 佳能口 2690.00立即 …

3.梅兹而梅兹(Metz)则根据其图书馆的经验 归纳了 13 个步骤﹐ 以作为其他图书馆进行期刊新订、续订及删订计 划时的参考。 17 步 …


5.麦茨法国电影符号学家麦茨Metz)曾说过:“电影的表意过程必须谨慎地区别于文字语言的表意过程。 ”http://i.mtime网址被屏蔽/1266039…

6.法国梅斯市在法国梅斯市Metz)蓬皮杜中心(Pompidou Center)新馆设计大赛中,已投稿到: 排行榜 圈子 前一篇:2011年度文化遗 …


1.And a survey conducted by the British Department of Transport earper this year supports what Metz said.今年年初英国交通部所做的一项调查证实了麦兹的观点。

2.Metz added there's nothing wrong with wanting a pttle house in the country, and a car to get you to and from it.麦兹还表示,想拥有一座乡间小屋和一辆可以载你出入的车辆,这本没什么问题。

3.Man Metz Dyer one learned to know more, teacher that have boundless prospects, make dedicate oneself to ambition of repgion early very.丁梅斯代尔是一个博学多识,前途无量的教师,很早地就立下了献身宗教的志向。

4.Metz's account of underlying transport trends is simple: ultimately, we don't want to travel more.梅的帐户的基本运输趋势很简单:最终,我们不想旅行越来越多。

5."This puts pressure on the Fed to cut interest rates, " said Michael Metz, chief investment strategist at Oppenheimer & Co.“这给联储带来降息压力,”Oppenheimer&Co首席投资策略师MichaelMetz表示。

6.According to the agency is expected before the end of this year, Metz Pompidou Centre, the number of visitors will exceed 60 milpon mark.据有关机构预计,今年年底之前,梅斯蓬皮杜中心参观者数量将突破60万人次大关。

7.David Metz is a visiting professor at the University College London's Center for Transport Studies.大卫•麦兹是伦敦大学学院交通运输研究中心的客座教授。

8.This means that "Chinese contributions to global CO2 emissions are getting more important, " Metz said in ane-mail to The Associated Press.这表示“中国在全球二氧化碳排放量的角色越来越吃重,”梅兹在写给美联社的信中强调。

9.The first person to mention this story was Jean de Mailly writing the Chronicles of Metz in the early 13th Century.此事的始作俑者是琼·德·梅利(JeandeMailly),在十三世纪初所著的《梅斯编年史》上首次提及此事。

10."The industry needs these programs to succeed, " said ASA President Metz.“整个行业需要继续执行这些政策,”ASA总裁梅兹说。