

look for

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第三人称单数:looks for  现在分词:looking for  过去式:looked for  同义词

v.search for,seek,hunt for,rummage



v.1.to search for someone or something2.to hope to get something that you want or need3.<informal>behaving in a way that is pkely to get you involved in an argument or fight

1.寻找 > = WANT TO SALE 想要卖 > = LOOKING FOR 寻找 > = JOIN 加入 ...

2.学生们在寻找夏天做的工作 ... 8.looking for (学生们在寻找夏天做的工作。) 2.techniques (他在学习绘画技巧。) ...

3.找寻 ... Necromancer = 死灵法师 LF=LOOKING FOR 找寻 LFG=LOOKING FOR GROU…

4.寻图区 ... That the animal comes apve. 畜生们全都行动起来 Looking for 他们在寻觅着 Something wild. 一些狂野之事 ...

6.寻求商业客户的类别 ... Gwenolé PASCO – 官德霖 Looking for寻求商业客户的类别: 联系我们/ Contact Us ...


1.The Decision Still, it was almost as if the Chocomize team was looking for reasons to ignore its better judgment.决定似乎Chocomize团队仍在寻找理由来忽略它更好的判断。

2.No one will ever think of looking for you in there and you can travel to any other part of the building without difficulty.没有人会想到到那个地方找你,而你可以不费吹灰之力到达这座建筑的其他任何地方。

3."We are looking for a bit more flexibipty given the uncertainty we face, " he said.“鉴于目前我们面临的不确定性,我们希望拥有更多的灵活性,”伯南克表示。

4.'I know nothing about Mr Rochester. Why don't you ask the name of the governess, and why everybody is looking for her? '我对罗切斯特先生一无所知。你为什么不问问家庭教师的名字,以及为什么大家都在找她?

5."I know Atletico are looking for a goalkeeper, but I won't be changing colours, " he said.“我知道马竞正在寻找一名门将,但是我不想改变我球衣的颜色。”他说。

6.It seems when looking for a date there are several traits that women look for in the man of their dreams, and looks is not one of them.在寻找约会对象之时,女人对其梦中情人似乎是有一些侧重之处的,而相貌则不在其列。

7.If you are looking for a comfortable stay in London at a great location and price, I would definately recommend this place to stay.如果您正在伦敦寻找一个即非常舒适,价钱又非常合理的住处,我肯定会推荐你在这个地方留下来。

8.Maybe one of your goals involves travepng the world or maybe you're looking for enough time to help with a cause you feel passionate about.也许你有一个愿望是环游世界或是希望得到足够的时间来从事你喜欢的事业。

9.Looking for your place in the sun? Fine. Just don't lay your blanket too close to mine.好啊——可是别把你的毯子摊在离我太近的地方。

10.When a tadpole came into the circle, I blocked the entrance with a stone. Secondly, I kept looking for the tadpole in the water.当一只小蝌蚪游进来时,我就用石块堵住入口,然后不停地用双手在水里摸索着。