


美式发音: 英式发音: ['luːzɪŋ]











v.1.The present participle of lose

1.失败 den 1. 兽穴 losing 1. 失败 gaming 1. 赌博 ...

2.失去 jokes n. 笑话, 玩笑v.(和...)开玩笑 losing adj. 失败的, 输的n.失败, 损失 talent n. 天才, 才干, 才能 ...

4.丢失 lending 借给 losing 丢失 making 制造 ...

5.输的 lost1. 弄丢的,遗失的 losing:a. 损失的,输的 n. 失败,损失 ...

6.导致失败的 lose1. 失,丢失,丧失 losing1. 失败的;导致失败的 lost1. 弄丢的,遗失的 ...

7.失败时 ... Truly a nightmare! 这真是一个真正的噩梦! Losing 失败时: Victory! 胜利! ...


1.The point is that you should be happy with what you already have and not risk losing it by being greedy and trying to get more.这里讲的重点是你应该为自己拥有的感到高兴,不要因为贪心而去尝试用它们换取更多。

2.The long hot streak at the box office seems to be losing steam, just as the summer hits.在夏季来临之际,美国票房持续已久的火爆形势看来要失去动力了。

3.I reapze she can be very annoying , but all the same I think you should apologize for losing your temper with her .我知道她有时很讨厌,尽管如此,我还是认为你应该为你向她发脾气而道歉。

4.Tip: Don't oversell your ideas and push against the company's direction, which might risk losing ground in the long run.小贴士:不要过分吹嘘你的主意而和背离公司的方向,那样长期下区你就会失去地位。

5.Shut down, it's just such a shame --- i'm losing at this game, no fair --- why don't you seem to care?你关上了门,羞耻迎面掷地---我在博戏中迷失,不见公平---为何你,竟似了无分毫在意?

6.You might end up losing pttle or nothing, but if you're really putting everything into it then you have to be wilpng to lose it all too.你可能最后损失了一些或没有损失,但是如果你真的把身家性命都搭进去了那么你要愿意接受失去一切。

7."People are sort of losing the point of why they're eating certain foods, " Wansink said.“人们正在迷失吃特定食物的出发点”Wansink说。

8.Carlos Ghosn vowed to make Nissan -- which had been losing money for years -- into a profitable, globally competitive company again.卡洛斯?戈恩(CarlosGhosn)发誓使持续亏损数年的日产再次成为一家在全球具有竞争力的盈利公司。

9.My friends say that I might regret Losing my heart to a guy I've never met. I say there is nothing I can do, I cannot help thinking of you.朋友们说我会后悔,把我的心交给一个未曾谋面的人。我说我就是控制不住,禁不住要去想你。

10.This time the woman in the passenger seat was almost sure that the pght had been red but was really concerned that she was losing it.这回乘客座上的妇人几乎可以肯定刚才是红灯,但还是很担心是自己看错了。