


美式发音: [luˈiz] 英式发音: [lu:ˈi:z]





1.路易丝 Louisa 路易莎 Louise 路易丝 Lucia 露西娅 ...

2.路易斯 Izefia( 义哲法) Louise露易斯) Chloe( 克洛哀) ...

5.露意丝 Lorraine 洛兰 法国 来自法国洛林小镇的人 Louise 璐易丝 条顿 著名的战士 Lucy 露西 拉丁 带来光明和智慧的 …

7.璐易丝……着名的战士 Rice (赖斯)——水稻 Louise 璐易丝……着名的战士 Lynn 琳……傍湖而居的人 ...

8.著名的战士 Lisa 希伯来语 对神奉献 Louise 条顿语 著名的战士 Lynn 英语 傍湖而居的人 ...


1.Louise Court, editor of Cosmopoptan magazine, which conducted the survey, said young women seem to think university 'a waste of time'.这项调查是由《时尚》杂志开展的,该杂志主编路易丝康特说年轻女性似乎认为读大学是“浪费时间”。

2.Just a year after her husband had met Katharine Hepburn, Louise was about to create her own enduring legacy.就在丈夫与凯瑟琳•赫本相遇后一年,露易莎打算建立属于自己的不朽遗产。

3.Owen flew back to England with his wife Louise Bonsall - who broke down in tears after seeing him crawl off the pitch in agony.欧文与他的妻子路易丝本索一起乘飞机回到英格兰,她看到他受伤痛苦时忍不住哭泣。

4.She thought over this week after week, after the advent of Louise , trying to nerve herself to the point where she could speak or act.露意丝来过之后,她接连把这事想过几个礼拜,总想能够有勇气说几句话,或者简直行动起来。

5.She said her elderly father, Stanley Gamble, was trapped, and she and her mother, Louise, could not free him.她说她的老父亲斯丹利.甘伯被埋在里面,她和她母亲路易斯没办法救他出来。

6.Louise : But you don't know anything about this company! All you know is what Mark told you. The whole thing sounds a pttle fishy to me.露易丝:但是你对这家公司一无所知!你只知道马克告诉你的事。这件事在我看来有点可疑。

7.Imogene, Amy, and Louise were anxious to be consolatory , but they did not know what to say.伊木真、阿弥和露意丝都急于要安慰他几句,可是一时找不出话来。

8.We were really pleased and as a small gesture and a mark of celebration we are offering Louise a year's supply of free baby food.我们感到很高兴,将为路易丝免费提供一年的婴儿食品作为小小的心意和祝贺。

9.He had been married to his wife, Louise, for fifty-three years.他已经结婚,他的妻子路易丝,为五十三年。

10.When your sister Louise came it all came over me somehow, clearly, and I have never been able to think right about it since.及到你的妹妹露意丝来过之后,我才什么都明白了,觉得我们无论如何不会好的了。