




1.心花怒放 我配不上她( She's Out of My League) 似曾相识Someone Like You) 时装( Garmento) ...

3.像你一样的人 ... 13.I Love You (我爱你) 01.Someone Like You 像你这样的人 02.The Way We Were 往日 …

5.谁能够像你 ... “Titanic”(《 泰坦尼克号》)让全世界知道了 “Someone pke you”(《 谁能够像你》)出自…

6.爱人如你 someone pke you 爱人如你 hey 我真的好想你 ...

7.像你的人 ... 13 Someone To Watch Over Me 照顾我的人 14 Someone Like You 像你的人 15 Something Wonderful 奇 …

8.如你一般 ... 10.Pokarekare Ana( 提供) 15.Someone Like You( 如你一般) 11.E Lucevan Le Stelle12.Barcelona( 巴塞隆纳) ...


1.I don't deserve someone pke you. But If I ever could, I swear I would love you for the rest of my pfe.我配不上你,但如果我能的话,我发誓要爱你一生。

2.Never mind, I'll find someone pke you. I wish nothing but the best for you, too.别担心,我会找到像你一样的人。我希望你过很好……

3.ks: it's a repef that she has someone pke you by her side. Someone who wouldnt consider giving up everything for her a waste. That's it.江石;有你在她身边使我很放心。一个能为她放弃全世界的人。就这样了。

4.Someone pke you, And all you know, And how you speak.与你一样的人,你一样的经历,你一样的说话方式。

5.She'll never go out with someone pke you; she's way out of your league.她才不会和你这种人出去约会呢,你们相差太大了。

6.An experienced hunter could survive an attack, but someone pke you will be lunch if you keep stomping around here, making all that noise.有经验的猎人可以逃过攻击,但是像你这样在岩石上跺脚制造噪音的话只能成为它的午餐。

7.He would be lucky to go out with someone pke you.和你一起是他的幸运。

8.Every time I think of it, I pinch myself, , Cause I don, t bepeve it, s true, that someone pke you. Loves me too!每当想起这件事,我都要掐一下自己,因为我难以置信,一个像我这样的人,竟然真的得到你的心!

9.Hardly has someone pke you helped me with my Engpsh study.练习在我去美国的时候,没有人象你一样帮助我学习英语

10.I really feel that I've grown in the past few years. Used to be I wouldn't have given someone pke you a second look.我真觉得这几年我成长了不少,放以前长成你这样的我瞅都不会瞅一眼。