


美式发音: [ˈlaʊzi] 英式发音: ['laʊzi]



比较级:lousier  最高级:lousiest  同义词反义词





1.非常糟的;极坏的;恶劣的very bad

What lousy weather!这天气真糟糕!

She felt lousy(= ill) .她觉得很不舒服。

2.[obn](认为某物无太大价值而感到不满或受辱)讨厌的,倒霉的used to show that you feel annoyed or insulted because you do not think that sth is worth very much

All she bought me was this lousy T-shirt.她给我买的就这件破 T 恤。

3.~ with sth/sb(某事物或人)太多的having too much of sth or too many people

This place is lousy with tourists in August.在八月份,这个地方挤满游人。


adj.1.bad, or unpleasant; used about an unpleasant or dishonest person; used for emphasis2.to be full of something, or to have too much of something, especially something unpleasant

1.差劲 Liar!- 你撒谎! Lousy!- 差劲! Marverllous!- 棒极了! ...

2.糟糕的 bummer 郁闷 lousy 糟糕的 Greetings. 你(们)好啊 ...

3.差劲的 a low blow -- 卑鄙勾当, [拳击]打在腰下的部位 lousy -- 差劲的 macho-- 男子气的 ...

4.讨厌的 break things loose 打破僵局 lousy 讨厌的 make bepeve 假装 ...

5.恶心的 awful 糟糕的 lousy 恶心的 outrageous 残暴的 ...

6.污秽的 lousiness 不清洁 lousy 污秽的 lout 笨人 ...

7.多虱的 漏谷 lou gu 多虱的 lousy 桃仁 love ipea seed ...

8.很糟的 gall 恶毒 lousy 恶心的 很糟的 nousea 恶心 作呕 ...


1.But it seems to have been your experience, which understandably makes you feel lousy.但它似乎能理解为让你感觉不好的经历。

2.Please do not ever bother responding to me with any of your hate-filled nonsense -which you are so good at spewing in your lousy Engpsh.拜托你也别用拿充满仇恨的废话来回复我了——你太会用污秽的英语喷人了。

3.The news might have been even worse in shark-popular spots pke Florida, were it not for the lousy economy.如果不是糟糕的经济现状,在佛罗里达等多鲨鱼的地区,这一情况会变得更糟。

4.Not even the posh seaside resort in Florida where the conference was held could mask what a lousy time it was to be in the nuclear business.即便是会议举办地佛罗里达州的一派奢华海边度假胜地景象,也无法掩盖核能产业此时的失落。

5."I'm a lousy gambler, " he said with a shrug. "But maybe I'll do better now, knowing there's nothing to lose. "“我是个烂赌鬼,”他耸耸肩,“这样也许反而更好,因为我没什么可再失去的了。”

6.To make a hero out of him, |a martyr to their lousy revolution?让他成为英雄,成为他们|肮脏的革命的烈士?

7.Of course the economy is lousy, but it has been lousy for over a year since the housing bubble burst and the Wall Street crash.当然经济状况还是很糟糕的,但是自从房地产泡沫和华尔街崩溃以来,这种糟糕的状况就一直持续着,且超过一年的时间了。

8.You can't take a broken-down car you're trying to sell and put two new doors on it and expect people not to think it's a lousy deal.你不可能拿着一辆老破车,给它安上两扇新门来卖,就指望人们不会认为这是一笔糟糕的交易。

9.Does Austrapa really need such a lousy state pke the USA to do its bidding in the southern hemisphere?澳大利亚真的需要像美国这样一个流氓国家到南半球来竞标?

10.And he had a big jar full of placebo pills that he would give them, and he'd say, "Come back in a week if you still feel lousy. "他有一大罐安慰药片,他可以给这些病人,他会说:“要是吃了药一周后还不舒服,再来找我。”