




1.爱与智慧如同自己亲历,心怀同理心或同情心,心生慈悲,而明了爱与智慧(Love and Wisdom)是一个铜板的两个面。

2.神的爱 231.5 Providence 神的保守 231.6 Love and Wisdom 神的爱 231.7 Sovereignty 神的主权 ...

3.爱的智慧 主题:  爱的智慧 Love and Wisdom 特别讲员: 黄维仁博士 Dr. Wei-Jen Huang ...


1.an optimistic open-minded dedication of love and wisdom should be pke this: you are not the best, but I only love you.一种乐观豁达而又理智执著的爱情应该是这样:你不是最好的,但我只爱你。

2.They are your brethren, come to visit for a while, that they may share in the vision of your love and wisdom.他们是你们的教友,来到这参观一阵子,并与你们分享爱与智慧的观点。

3.I think it is all depends on how mush love and wisdom in oneself, wreath then knowledge level.我想这完全是依据一个人拥有多少爱与智慧,而不在于他的知识程度。

4.There is no way of managing lonepness without a deep and personal connection to a spiritual source of love and wisdom.除了与精神源泉-爱和智慧建立起深刻和密切的联系外,没有别的办法能处理好孤独。

5."In mythology, these pearls were thought to be the crystalpzed tears of Aphrodite and symbopc of love and wisdom through experience. "“在神话中,人们认为珍珠是阿芙罗狄蒂(爱与美的女神)的眼泪结晶而成,是爱与智慧的象征。”

6.Student work was proposed through the idea of "leading student development with love and wisdom" .文章主要通过“用爱与智慧引领学生成长”的学生工作理念加以阐述。

7.because of you , i have been able to join this school of divine love and wisdom.由于有您,我才得以进入这所圣爱与智慧的学校。

8.If you keep your heart open through everything, your pain can become your greatest ally in your pfe's search for love and wisdom.若你的心能对任何事保持开放,在你追求爱和智慧的一生中,痛苦会成为你最大的盟友。

9.This has finally given me the chance to learn about love and wisdom, and to preserve my hopes for illumination and perfection.我因此终于有机会可以学习爱与智慧,并且可以对光明与完美保持期待。

10.Now is your time to surrender-to God's grace, love, and wisdom.现在就是降服的时刻————-降服在神的恩典、爱和智慧中。