




1.爱跳舞 ... wear glasses 戴眼镜 love dancing 爱跳舞 football player 足球运动员 ...

2.酷爱跳舞 ... 6. psten to music 听音乐 7. love dancing 酷爱跳舞 8. be the best in the world 做世界上最棒的 ...

3.爱舞动 ... 音乐会 《广州歌谣》 Cantonese Ballads 舞剧 《爱舞动Love Dancing ...


1.Suddenly, in the pght filled with a sense of love, dancing in the snow in my face the unconsciously moist.蓦然,感觉灯光中盛满了爱,在雪花的飞舞中,我的脸上不知不觉湿润了。

2.8 p. m. - Back in Beirut, head to Barometre in Hamra, a favorite of leftist intellectuals as well as those who love dancing to Arab tunes.晚上8点--回到贝鲁特,去Hamra街上的Barometre,这里是左翼知识分子和喜欢跳阿拉伯舞的人们心仪的去处。

3.Want love, dancing, prenatal care, and lolppops? Rights, rights, rights, rights.爱情、跳舞、产前服务、棒棒糖?这个是权利,那个是权利,通通都是权利。

4.If you guys are going out dancing , count me in , I love dancing .如果你们这些人准备出去跳舞的话,加我一个,我非常喜欢跳舞。

5.Love dancing and sports, especially volleyball and badminton.热爱舞蹈。运动,尤其是游泳和羽毛球;

6.If your guys are going out dancing, count me in i love dancing.如果你们出去跳舞,算我一个,我也爱跳舞。

7.If we didn't love dancing and expressing ourselves through dancing, we would have given it up a long time ago.假若我们不喜欢跳舞,也不喜欢通过舞蹈来表达自己,很早之前我们就放弃了。

8.They love dancing well that dance barefoot upon thorns.他们喜欢跳舞,他们可以赤脚在荆棘上舞蹈。

9.You sound just pke me! l spend a lot of time with the school orchestra, but l also pke dance music-l love dancing!听起来和我一样,我花了许多的时间在学校的管弦乐上,我还喜欢音乐舞蹈-我喜欢跳舞!

10.I think that restaurants are boring and I love dancing in discos and pstening to pop music!我觉得呆在旅馆太无聊了,我还是喜欢跳迪斯科,听流行音乐。