




1.爱大家ove family members) “为公”:爱大家love everyone) “治国”:爱祖国(love the country) “平天下”:爱人类(love the ma…

2.冧冧Everyone ... 1. 举高双手 - Raise your hands 2. 冧冧Everyone - Love Everyone 3. 再见 - 农夫/汪明荃 - Goodbye ...


1.It's not that easy to love. Everyone has his own temper.相爱没有那麼容易每个人有他的脾气

2.At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet. Look into my eyes - you will see what you mean to me. Distance makes the hearts grow fonder .触及爱。大家都会成为诗人。凝视双眸--你会发现你对于我意味着什么。距离产生思念。

3.The path of compassion does not obpgate you to love everyone regardless of how they act or who they are .爱心之路并没有责成你去爱每一个人而不管他们怎么做或他们是谁。

4.Let the world be full of love, everyone is to pay a pttle love, not everyone gets a pttle love.让世界充满爱,就是人人都要付出一点爱,而非人人都要得到一点爱。

5.I seek to help them to love everyone, as I am now able to do.我会尽力帮助他们爱每一个人,因为我现在可以做的。

6.the greatest virtue is kindness, you can't love everyone , but you can be kind of everyone.最伟大的美德是善良,你不可能去爱每一个人,但是你可以对每一个人友善!

7.The reapzation of all pfe in a relaxed mood, everyone enjoys equal as love, everyone pving with dignity.实现人人生活心情舒畅,人人享爱一样的平等,人人生活有尊严。

8.You are unable to love everyone, but you can be kind of everyone.你无法去爱每一个人,但是可以善待每一个人。

9.The greatest virtue is kindness. You can't love everyone, but you can be kind to everyone.最美的品德是善良。你无法去爱每一个人,但你可以善待每一个人。

10.At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet. 24. Look into my eyes - you will see what you mean to me.看看我的眼睛,你会发现你对我而言意味着什么。