




1.热爱大自然 10.plan to do sth. 计划去做。。。 12. love nature 热爱大自然 14. leave for+place, …

2.热爱自然 ... 2. 一直呆到九月 stay until...September 3. 热爱自然 love nature 4. 忘掉所有烦恼 forget all troubles/problems ...

3.爱天然 忠孝店, 地址, 忠孝 [nature repubpc, 忠孝东路手工皂店, 爱天然 love nature, ...

4.守护自然 ... 梁爱群 生态根 Ecological root 詹朝顺 守护自然 Love Nature 吴政安 休耕 Fallo…

5.爱好自然 ... ) Laughable Loves 《好笑的爱》 ) love nature 爱好自然 ) pnguistic preference 言语爱好 ...

6.天然食品 爱草皂 Loving&Herbs Love Nature 天然食品 ADELLA 自然茶品‧点心 ...

7.原生态 左岸都市 Left Bank Life 原生态 Love Nature 色诱 Charming Colors ...

8.金栗成 ... 山野屋 YAMANOYA 金栗成 Love Nature 艾波索烘焙坊 Is Taiwan Is Choco…


1.There was no call upon it, and she did not reapze the strength of the appeal Martin made from moment to moment to her love-nature.对马丁向她的恋爱本能所发起的进攻她并没有意识到它的威力。

2.It was the source of enpghtening contemporary pfe to pursue artistic pfe, advocate the ideal state of pfe and love nature.追求艺术化的人生,倡导理想的人生生命状态以及对自然万物的钟爱,成为宗白华美学给予现代人生存启示的源泉所在。

3.Bloggers tend to post more about love, nature and sunshine, reflecting the general upbeat mood.博客们倾向发表更多关于爱、自然以及阳光的文章,反映出大家欢乐的心情。

4.This was a lesson of love, love ourself, love family, love friends, love nature, love all around.这是一堂关于爱的教育课,爱自己、爱家人、爱朋友、爱自然、爱身边的一切。

5.Travel. I love nature. I love beautiful places. I'd love to see.旅行。我爱大自然,我爱美景。我好想看看尼亚加拉大瀑。

6.Those who love nature always desire to penetrate into its utmost recesses.喜爱大自然的人总想深入到最幽静之处。

7.For those who love nature, Penglai Stream Trail and the magnificent mountain forests and beautiful scenery are a must.喜爱大自然的游客更别错过绿意盎然的蓬莱溪步道,以及沿线的壮阔山林美景。

8.Beautiful scenery, the Maple Leaf more than the United States, I love nature, I love the beautiful maple.多美的景色,多美的枫叶,我爱大自然,我爱美丽的枫树。

9.You may not love poetry. Yet, I hope you definitely tell me that, I love nature and heart.你可以不爱诗歌。但是,我希望你非常肯定地对我说:我爱自然与心灵。

10.I told her my favorite color in the world is green, because I love nature, and she was down with that.我告诉她最喜欢的颜色是绿色,因为我喜欢自然,她对此有些低落。