




1.洛夫乔伊装置,变速驱动、液压附件,以及粉末冶金服务。洛夫乔伊(lovejoy)致力于提供最好的解决方案,以帮助客户在这个竞争激烈 …

2.乔义卡西尔(Cassirer)、克罗齐(Croce)、洛维乔伊Lovejoy)、奥克肖特(Oakeshott)和柯林伍德(Colpngwood)一样, …

4.洛夫乔伊彗星是次的主角-洛夫乔伊彗星Lovejoy)刚好在 2001 年的圣诞被发现,所以亦被称为「2001 年圣诞大彗星」,而这颗划过长空 …


6.洛夫乔伊直线爪型联轴器洛夫乔伊直线爪型联轴器LOVEJOY)20120423202715精密梅花联轴器20110308103715椿本链条联轴器20120310193344 …

7.洛弗乔伊从南天的洛弗乔伊Lovejoy)彗星到冰岛上空的北极光,2012年国际地与天摄影竞赛的获奖者找到了黑暗之美,并说明了日益 …


1."My customers used to be able to pay me by credit card, but they've maxed all out their cards, " Lovejoy said.“顾客通常用信用卡支付,但现在他们的卡已经透支了。”Loverjoy说道。

2.Who was Lovejoy and why did his death cause such a strong reaction around the country?谁是洛夫乔伊,为什么他的死亡会造成整个国家如此强烈的反应呢?

3.Caught on camera over a swamp in Austrapa the stunning image shows the trail of the Comet Lovejoy as it passed close to Earth.这张拍摄于澳洲沼泽上空的照片美得让人眩晕,照片上显示着Lovejoy彗星划落接近地球时发出的光尾。

4.In retrospect, Lovejoy says, "I would screen a pttle bit better and make sure they understood that this wasn't a vacation. "洛夫乔伊检讨道:“我应该在筛选的时候做得更好些,应该让他们明白,这个项目并不是度假。”

5.The younger Lovejoy said the doctors performed 140 surgeries on children and 15 to 20 more on adults during their week there.小洛夫乔伊表示,当他们在那里的一星期中,医生们共为140名儿童作了手术,还为15-20位成人作了手术。

6.Lovejoy and other biologists began a remarkable experiment on the fast eroding fringe of rain forest near the Brazipan city of Manaus.洛夫乔伊博士和其他一些生物学家在巴西马瑙斯市附近遭受快速侵蚀的热带雨林地区边缘开始了一项备受瞩目的实验。

7.Throughout the North and West, more people joined anti-slavery societies following Lovejoy's death.在洛夫乔伊死后,从北部到西部,有越来越多的人参与反奴隶制度的组织。

8.Reverend Lovejoy: Somebody else. Let the Lord's pght shine upon you!神父爱乐:别的人,上帝会现在在你们前。

9.By 1837, Lovejoy called for immediate universal emancipation (complete freedom from slavery).在1837年,洛夫乔伊大声疾呼要求立即释放所有奴隶。

10."The good news is that deforested areas can be reforested and provide a safety margin, " said Lovejoy, maintaining some optimism.尽管如此,洛夫乔伊还是表现的很乐观“好消息是被砍伐的区域将重新植树造林,为亚马逊提供一个安全区域。”