




1.低聚 Low Temerature Poly Sipcon 驱动采用低温多晶硅 low-poly 面片 ; 低聚 LTPS Low Temperature Poly Sipcon 低温多晶硅 ...

2.低解析度模型ckiewicz说: 这就是一个完整的影片, 一个低解析度模型(low-poly)版本的影片.

3.低面片 帮Noisia创作的新的MV,整个场景巧妙的利用低建模(low-poly)的美感传达出另一种世界观!! 看著飞机一直往下坠落,残壳一 …



1.To create the low poly mesh I export a semi-high level mesh from Mudbox as a reference point for resurfacing on top of it.为了创建低模我从Mudbox里导出一个半高级别模型作为一个参考,并在上面重建表面。

2.You build up your low poly portfopo, get paid and have the right to further sell what you make for me.你建立起自己的低聚组合,并获得报酬的权利,以进一步推销你为我做什么。

3.This allows adding high detail to low poly models, and that's the reason for its continuous use in games industry today.这就允许在低模上呈现跟高模一样的细节,这就是它在游戏中现在还在被使用的原因。

4.After, it was the turn of the low poly model.之后,就是低模的转化过程。

5.Then I imported the low poly unwrapped model and turned on the ZMapper again to project the normal map on this mesh.然后,我导入未展开的低模,再次打开Zmapper去烘焙它的法线贴图。

6.I export all my high poly meshes and my low poly meshes to xNormal and bake the maps one by one.我在xNormal里分别导入所有高模和低模,然后分别烘焙贴图。

7.I later remodeled the low poly version in Maya to make sure I get the right edge loops for facial animations.之后在maya中重新建造相应的低模,以确保获得适用于面部动画的网格拓扑。

8.We then took the low poly model into 3ds Max, where we set up simple bones and the controller.然后我们将低模导入3dsmax中,在那里我们设置了简单的骨骼和绑定。

9.Moving some vertices, edit the mesh until you have all the anatomical details, as you can see from the low-poly version:移动一些点,编辑模型直到你得到所有的解剖细节,然后你的的多边形模型应该看起来如下图所示:

10.Apppcation of Low- poly- acrylate Chelating Disperser Agent in Dyeing and Finishing低聚丙烯酸钠螯合分散剂在染整上的应用