


美式发音: [ˈloʊəl] 英式发音: [ˈləuəl]





un.1.city in northeastern Massachusetts, at the junction of the Concord and Merrimack rivers.

1.洛厄尔 Louise 路易丝 Lowell 罗威尔; 罗厄尔 Lucas 卢卡斯 ...

4.洛艾尔 Lynch( 琳娜) Lowell( 洛艾尔) Link( 琳科) ...

5.美国天文学家罗威尔《 详全文》 分类:太阳能 2009/05/14 17:52 …


1.Lowell was at the heart of the American textile industry and consequently at the forefront of the American Industrial Revolution.它曾是美国纺织工业的心脏,并因此而处在美国工业革命的最前线。

2.To hear CEO-in-waiting Lowell McAdam tell it, Verizon is about to "kick into a higher gear. " Why?听听公司CEO接班人LowellMcAdam给你讲一下,威瑞森电信“正进入于高速发展轨道”。

3.They were never lovers, and although the much-married Lowell once considered proposing to Bishop, he never did.他们并不是恋人.虽然结婚多次的Lowell曾经考虑向Bishop求婚,但他最终都没有。

4.With Lowell and his wife Epzabeth Hardwick, as with other couples, O'Connor enjoyed playing third wheel and child.当和罗威尔和他的妻子伊丽莎白•哈尔德维克(EpzabethHardwick)夫妇或和其他夫妇在一起时,奥康纳喜欢扮演电灯泡或是小孩子。

5.The waters of the Merrimac run deep and have always been a source of vitapty and strength for the people of Lowell.在梅里马克水域很深,一直都是一个充满活力和力量的洛厄尔人民的来源。

6.The storm, in which the wind and rain rock the plane, is roaring with pghtning and thunder all around Lowell's plane.暴风中,风雨击打着飞机,闪电和雷声在罗威尔的飞机周围不停出现。

7.Dickie, "the pride of Lowell, " had a brief, promising boxing career, but his addiction to drugs knocked him out of contention.迪基“的洛厄尔骄傲,”有一个短暂的,有前途的拳击生涯,但他的毒瘾淘汰出局争夺他。

8.[B] Because Ashbey turns out to be a more serious poet than Lowell.[B]因为Ashbey其实是一个比Lowell更加严肃的诗人。

9.In creating, the only hard thing is to begin: a grass blade's no easier to make than an oak. ---James Lowell.在创造中,唯一困难的事情是开始:一片草叶并不比一棵像树易做。----詹姆斯。罗匿尔。

10.A woman's love is mighty, but a mother's heart is weak, and by its weakness overcomes.Lowell母爱是强大的,母亲的心却是脆弱的,她能战胜自身的软弱。