


美式发音: [ˈsteɪplər] 英式发音: [ˈsteɪplə(r)]






1.订书机a small device used for putting staples into paper, etc.


n.1.a small object used for fastening pieces of paper with a staple

1.订书机 shortcut 近路;捷径 17. stapler 订书机 17. take off 起飞 18. ...

2.钉书机 shorthand 简写,缩写;速记 37 stapler 钉书机 38 tardy 缓慢的,迟缓的 39 ...

3.订书器 Notebook 笔记本 Stapler 订书器 glue stick 胶棒 ...

4.小订书机 棉毛纤维^ staple 小订书机^ stapler 订书机^ stappng machine ...

5.吻合器 Staple U 形钉 Stapler 吻合器 Globe 眼球,球 ...

6.小钉书机 staple driver 骨科 stapler小钉书机 ②中药袋封口机 star 星,星形物 ...

7.纤维切断机 staple-fibre washing machine 短纤维清洗机 stapler 订书机;纤维切断机 stappng machine 切断机 ...

8.铁丝钉书机 staple u 形钉 stapler 铁丝钉书机 star connection 星形连接 ...


1.She can go cubicle to cubicle asking if anyone has her red stapler, and see how long it takes to get tossed out on her ear.她可以挨门挨户的问谁有她的“红色订书器”,然后看看要多长时间才能有人把它扔给她。

2.When a strong breeze made his tie flap, he took the desk stapler and stapled the tie to his chest.这时,一股强风吹了进来,拍打着他的领带,于是他顺手拿起桌上的订书机,“喀嚓”一声把领带订在了胸前。

3.Don't keep all your passwords taped on the bottom of your stapler.别把你的密码都用胶布贴在订书机底部啦。

4.For decades, Muller Martini brand of horse-riding stapler and bookbinder walked in the front of the world.数十年来,马天尼品牌的骑马订书机和胶订机一直走在世界的前列。

5.I need to pick up some stationery--you know, a stapler, scissors, files.我需要领一些文具,一个订书机、剪刀和文件夹。

6.Its articulated arm reaches out, swivels here and there, and then gently picks up the stapler with long, rubber-clad fingers.只见它伸出带关节的机械臂,四下里旋转,然后就用带橡皮垫的长手指轻轻地拾起了订书机。

7.Dear God, I think the stapler is one of your greatest invention. Ruth M.亲爱的上帝,我想订书机是你最伟大的发明之一。露丝。

8.Gifts, Pens, Stapler , Cutter, Torch, Magnets, Keychains, Computer Accessories, Photo Frames Writing Instruments.采购产品礼品,钢笔,主要物产商,裁剪者,火把,磁铁,钥匙链,计算机配件,相片框架。

9.The Stanford Artificial Intelpgence Robot, standing nearby, reppes in a nasal monotone, "I will get the stapler for you. "站在他附近的斯坦福人工智能机器人Stair,带着鼻音以单调的语气回答道:“我这就给你去取订书机。”

10.It's not pke I really care. I mean, it's just a stapler .我的意思是,那只不过是一个钉书机罢了。