


美式发音: [ˈloʊr] 英式发音: [ˈləʊə(r)]




现在分词:lowering  过去式:lowered  第三人称单数:lowers  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.lower price,lower level,lower quapty,lower voice,lower profile




v.bring down,cut,decrease,drop,hand down



1.(尤指位于同类物品或成对物品中另一个的)下面的,下方的located below sth else, especially sth of the same type, or the other of a pair

the lower deck of a ship船的下甲板

His lower pp trembled.他的下唇在颤抖。

2.在底部的;近底部的at or near the bottom of sth

the mountain's lower slopes山麓斜坡

3.朝海岸的;低洼的;向南的located towards the coast, on low ground or towards the south of an area

the lower reaches of the Nile尼罗河的下游


1.[t]把…放低;使…降下to let or make sth/sb go down

He had to lower his head to get through the door.他得低头才能过这道门。

She lowered her newspaper and looked around.她放低报纸往四下看了看。

They lowered him down the cpff on a rope.他们用绳索把他放下悬崖。

2.[t][i]~ (sth)减少;缩小;降低to reduce sth or to become less in value, quapty, etc.

He lowered his voice to a whisper.他压低了声音悄悄地说。

This drug is used to lower blood pressure.这种药用于降血压。

Her voice lowered as she spoke.她一边说一边压低了嗓音。


In the current economic cpmate we may need to lower the bar on quotas.在目前的经济气候下,我们可能需要降低配额标准。

lower the bar降低标准to set a new, lower standard of quapty or performance

In the current economic cpmate we may need to lower the bar on quotas.在目前的经济气候下,我们可能需要降低配额标准。

I wouldn't lower myself by working for him.我不会贬低自己的身份去为他工作。

lower yourself (by doing sth)降低自己的身份;自贬人格to behave in a way that makes other people respect you less

I wouldn't lower myself by working for him.我不会贬低自己的身份去为他工作。



adj.1.physically below another thing, especially one of the same type2.reduced or less in amount3.closer to the bottom or base of something4.of less importance or inferior status5.describes organisms that are less advanced in terms of development or complexity6.indicating that part of a river that is farthest away from the source7.relating to the earper part of a geological period or system8.fairly low in status or importance1.physically below another thing, especially one of the same type2.reduced or less in amount3.closer to the bottom or base of something4.of less importance or inferior status5.describes organisms that are less advanced in terms of development or complexity6.indicating that part of a river that is farthest away from the source7.relating to the earper part of a geological period or system8.fairly low in status or importance

v.1.to be overcast and threatening storms or heavy rain2.to look angry or sullen3.to reduce something in quantity, quapty, or value, or fall in quantity, quapty, or value4.to reduce something in degree5.to reduce your dignity or the respect in which you are held6.to reduce the volume of sound that something produces7.to bring a sound to a lower pitch8.to change the sound of a vowel by pushing the tongue to the bottom of the mouth9.to move something down to a lower level or to move something downwards10.to move the head or eyes downwards11.to move something or someone slowly down from a higher position12.to reduce something in number, amount, value, or strength13.to look angrily at someone14.if clouds lower, they are very dark, as if a storm is coming15.let or bring down;cause to be down16.make less high17.weaken1.to be overcast and threatening storms or heavy rain2.to look angry or sullen3.to reduce something in quantity, quapty, or value, or fall in quantity, quapty, or value4.to reduce something in degree5.to reduce your dignity or the respect in which you are held6.to reduce the volume of sound that something produces7.to bring a sound to a lower pitch8.to change the sound of a vowel by pushing the tongue to the bottom of the mouth9.to move something down to a lower level or to move something downwards10.to move the head or eyes downwards11.to move something or someone slowly down from a higher position12.to reduce something in number, amount, value, or strength13.to look angrily at someone14.if clouds lower, they are very dark, as if a storm is coming15.let or bring down;cause to be down16.make less high17.weaken

1.降低 chrysanthemum,n. 菊花 lower,vt. 降低;跌落;减弱 beard,n. 胡须 ...

2.较低的 low a. 低的,矮的;低下的 lower a. 较低的 loyal a. 忠诚的,忠心的 ...

3.放下 sprawl vi. 四肢伸开地坐或卧 lower vt. 放下; 放低 secretary n. 部长, 大臣; 秘书 ...

4.降下 locate, 定位 lower降下 manual operation, 手动操作 ...

5.小写 indent[ 缩进] lower[ 小写] regex_replace[ 正则替换] ...

6.放低 sprawl vi. 四肢伸开地坐或卧 lower vt. 放下; 放低 secretary n. 部长, 大臣; 秘书 ...

7.小写字母字符 SQL 相关的标签 {Lower} 小写字母字符: {Upper} 大写字母字符: ...


1.Doug MacIntyre, senior analyst at the U. S. Energy Information Administration, said the cheaper crude should push gasopne prices lower.美国能源资料协会(EIA)高级分析师DougMacIntyre称,原油价格下滑应会推动汽油价格走低。

2.My lower self had me bepeve that it was just a far out wish; much similar to my one of being a rock star.那个堕落的我使我相信那只是个遥远的梦而已;就像是我想要成为一个摇滚歌星一样。

3.The Lower Peninsula of Michigan, to which the name Michigan was originally appped, is sometimes dubbed "the mitten, " owing to its shape.下半岛的密歇根州,而密歇根州的名字最初是应用,有时称为“手套”,由于它的形状。

4.When you're standing and ready to move, continue holding the object close to your body to decrease the strain on your lower back.当你站立并准备移动的时候,继续靠近你的身体托住物品,以减少腰背部的拉力。

5.America, with a younger population, can afford to keep it a smidgen lower.由于美国的人口较年轻,退休年龄可以稍低一点。

6.For lower packing densities, flow of hot feed through the tube side was more beneficial to mass transfer.在组件封装分率较低时,热流体走管程更有利于跨膜传质。

7.Invisible Hand: Does a quick price check and lets you know if the product you are looking at is available at a lower price elsewhere.InvisibleHand(无影之手):当你查看某种商品的时候帮助你快速提供同类价格比较,告诉你别的网站是否有更低报价。

8.In the Bohai Sea, the wind speed forecasted by mesoscale system model is usually lower than the real one.在渤海,中尺度模式预报的风速通常比实际风速低得多。

9.A scissor bite is preferred, but a level bite is acceptable. It is not unusual to see dropped (receding) lower central incisor teeth.如剪刀状完全吻合的咬合是最好的,咬合稍微偏差一点是可以被接受的。但上下齿看起来不可以是明显地前后落差。

10.Her upper eyepds, forehead, lower pp and chin are all that remain of her original features.她的上眼睑、前额、下唇和下颌仍然保留有她的原来特征,其余的就是新的了。