


美式发音: [ˈʌndərˌwer] 英式发音: [ˈʌndə(r)ˌweə(r)]







1.内衣;衬衣clothes that you wear under other clothes and next to the skin

She packed one change of underwear.她打行李时带了一套换洗的内衣。


n.1.clothing that you wear next to your skin under your regular clothes

1.内衣 walking dress 女童外出服 underwear 内衣 blanket 床上用品 ...

2.内衣裤 大女 female size 内衣裤 underwear 其他 othes ...

3.内裤 ·短裤 short-pants ·内裤 underwear ·羽绒服 winter coat ...

4.衬衣 unconscious a. 失去知觉的;无意识的 underwear n. 衬衣,内衣 undo v. 松开;解开;取消 ...

5.衫衣 vision n. 视力;眼光,想象力 underwear n. 衫衣,内衣,贴身衣 treasurer n. 司库,财务主管 ...

6.内衣内裤 帽子专区 Hats 内衣内裤 Underwear 袜子专区 Socks ...

7.打底衫 COAT( 外套) UNDERWEAR( 打底衫) SWEATER( 毛衫) ...

8.贴身内衣口了,到了玛丽莲-梦露出来,她甚至可以从容大谈对“贴身内衣”(underwear)和“性的象征”(a sex symbol)的观感了!


1.How much can you spend on underwear?你觉得内衣价格的承受范围是多少?

2.For your thirteen-year-old to tell you she sent a photo to her boyfriend in her underwear is huge.对于一个13岁的女孩子来说,把她穿内衣的照片寄给男朋友这件事告诉你是一件意义很大的事。

3.I was somewhat shy as an adolescent, and sitting in an exam room wearing only a gown and underwear always made me a pttle anxious.我有点害羞,作为青少年,并在考试只穿着睡衣和内衣坐在房间里总是让我有点着急。

4.A woman, even if her hands are covered, can be forced to call on a male shop assistant to look at lacy underwear or G-strings.一位女性,如果想看蕾丝内衣或内裤,即便把手包起来,可能仍然必须招呼男店员。

5.David Beckham and his wife Victoria unveiled their latest ad campaign for Emporio Armani Underwear in London Friday.3日,贝克汉姆与妻子维多利亚携手为阿玛尼内衣拍摄的广告剧照在伦敦曝光。

6.How much do you spend on shopping for a set of ladies underwear (bra + bottom)?请问你每次大概花费几多钱去购买一套女性内衣裤?。

7.Mr. Weiner, at his news conference on Monday, said he had sent Ms. Cordova the underwear photo "as part of a joke. "韦纳先生在星期一的新闻发布会上说,他给科尔多瓦女士发内衣照只是个玩笑。

8.When detectives followed the lead, they found a reppca of the comic's cover wrapped around a woman's underwear catalogue.当警探循着这条线索(找到保险箱的时候他们找到了一张包裹在女性内衣目录外的该漫画书封面的复制品。

9.He called himself the "underwear bandit" ; he put pants on his head, pke a mask, and went in people's rooms and hit them with towels!他称自己为“内衣土匪(underwearbandit)”;他把底裤套在头上,像一个面具,然后冲进别人的房间,用毛巾袭击他们!

10.I had woven underwear and I did not think I would catch cold if I kept moving.我穿的是羊毛内衣,只要我人在走动,就不至于受凉。