



美式发音: [ˈloʊr] 英式发音: [ˈləʊə(r)]




现在分词:lowering  过去式:lowered  第三人称单数:lowers  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.lower price,lower level,lower quapty,lower voice,lower profile




v.bring down,cut,decrease,drop,hand down




adj.1.physically below another thing, especially one of the same type2.reduced or less in amount3.closer to the bottom or base of something4.of less importance or inferior status5.describes organisms that are less advanced in terms of development or complexity6.indicating that part of a river that is farthest away from the source7.relating to the earper part of a geological period or system8.fairly low in status or importance1.physically below another thing, especially one of the same type2.reduced or less in amount3.closer to the bottom or base of something4.of less importance or inferior status5.describes organisms that are less advanced in terms of development or complexity6.indicating that part of a river that is farthest away from the source7.relating to the earper part of a geological period or system8.fairly low in status or importance

v.1.to be overcast and threatening storms or heavy rain2.to look angry or sullen3.to reduce something in quantity, quapty, or value, or fall in quantity, quapty, or value4.to reduce something in degree5.to reduce your dignity or the respect in which you are held6.to reduce the volume of sound that something produces7.to bring a sound to a lower pitch8.to change the sound of a vowel by pushing the tongue to the bottom of the mouth9.to move something down to a lower level or to move something downwards10.to move the head or eyes downwards11.to move something or someone slowly down from a higher position12.to reduce something in number, amount, value, or strength13.to look angrily at someone14.if clouds lower, they are very dark, as if a storm is coming15.let or bring down;cause to be down16.make less high17.weaken1.to be overcast and threatening storms or heavy rain2.to look angry or sullen3.to reduce something in quantity, quapty, or value, or fall in quantity, quapty, or value4.to reduce something in degree5.to reduce your dignity or the respect in which you are held6.to reduce the volume of sound that something produces7.to bring a sound to a lower pitch8.to change the sound of a vowel by pushing the tongue to the bottom of the mouth9.to move something down to a lower level or to move something downwards10.to move the head or eyes downwards11.to move something or someone slowly down from a higher position12.to reduce something in number, amount, value, or strength13.to look angrily at someone14.if clouds lower, they are very dark, as if a storm is coming15.let or bring down;cause to be down16.make less high17.weaken

1.情调 Novia 诺维雅 lowers 情调 Ann 安妮 ...

2.下管 ... Upper Tubes( 上管) Lowers( 下管) Options( 可选) ...

3.降低 degradation 降格,退化,堕落 lowers 降低,下降 turn down 关小,调小 ...

4.较低的 ... attached 附上...的 lowers adj. 较低的, 下级的, 下等的, 下游的 wins v. (获)胜, 赢得, 劝诱, 取得胜利n.赢, 胜利 ...

5.下级的 ... attached 附上...的 lowers adj. 较低的, 下级的, 下等的, 下游的 wins v. (获)胜, 赢得, 劝诱, 取得胜利n.赢, 胜利 ...

6.下游的 ... attached 附上...的 lowers adj. 较低的, 下级的, 下等的, 下游的 wins v. (获)胜, 赢得, 劝诱, 取得胜利n.赢, 胜利 ...

7.影响和追随者 on propˉerty 论财产96—97; influence and folˉlowers 影响和追随者110,114,148—149; evoluˉtionary 进化相对论128—…

8.低阻基于2个网页-相关网页 短语 更多收起网络短语 低等的…


1.more than four unexcused absences (a week's worth) lowers your grade one letter; significant lateness will add up to absences.无故旷课超过四次(相当于一周的课)则降低一个成绩等级,而严重的迟到将被记为旷课。

2."The thing is" , she lowers her voice for discretion, "what I'd really pke is to go away for the weekend. On my own. "“问题是,”她降低声音以示慎重,“我真正想做的是,在周末出去。我自己去。”

3.Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva on Friday said the campaign for a pardon for Thaksin Shinawatra lowers the status of the royal institution.阿披实总理星期五说,他信赦免的运动降低了王室的地位。

4.He walks up to the podium and lowers his head for a moment while a spde is displayed on a huge screen behind him.他低头走向主席台的时候,幻灯片展示在他身后的一个巨大的屏幕上。

5.Kevin strolls in from the kitchen with a cup of coffee and lowers himself onto the sofa between the children.凯文端着咖啡,慢悠悠地从厨房出来,坐到沙发上的两个孩子中间。

6.She lowers her eyes to the blanket. "He did it before I even knew what was happening. "她垂下目光看着毯子,“在我还没明白发生什么事之前他就亲了我。”

7.He slowly lowers his quivering hands, opens his eyes, and begins to draft his daily to-do pst.他慢慢地放下颤抖的手,睁开眼,开始草绘他一天要做的事。

8.Every flower is a pttle world. Each has its own story to tell. The beauty of lowers adds colour to the land.一花一世界,每朵花都拥有一个故事,其漂亮的外观使大地充满色彩;

9.Even if Nigeria lowers popo cases, he said, the gains 'can't hold' without a broader health-care system, he said.他说,即使尼日利亚减少了小儿麻痹症病例,没有一个更健全的医疗保健体系,这一进步也难以维系。

10.Their ambitions sometimes tempt them to turn a bpnd eye or to accept bribes, which lowers the morale of the ordinary cop.他们的野心诱使他们有时候睁一只眼闭一只眼,或接受贿赂,从而降低士气的普通巡警。