


美式发音: [ˌrudəˈment(ə)ri] 英式发音: [ˌruːdɪˈment(ə)ri]




adj.+n.rudimentary knowledge





1.基础的;基本的deapng with only the most basic matters or ideas

They were given only rudimentary training in the job.他们仅仅受过基本的职业训练。

2.未充分发展的;原始的not highly or fully developed

Some dinosaurs had only rudimentary teeth.有些恐龙只有未充分长成的牙齿。


adj.1.basic, and not detailed or developed

na.1.The variant of rudimental

1.基本的 franchised goods: 特许经销商品 rudimentary: 基本的 correspondence course: 函授课程 ...

2.初步的 discretionary( 自由决定的), rudimentary初步的), tributary( 支流的) ...

3.未发展的 mainframe 主机 rudimentary 根本的,未发展的 photographic 照相得摄影得 ...

4.初级的 ... rubbish n. 废物,垃圾,胡说 rudimentary a. 基础的,初级的 rug n. 地毯 ...

5.低级的 rubble n. 瓦砾 rudimentary adj. 根本的,低级的 ruminate v. 沉思 ...

6.起码 起落〖 riseandfall〗 起码〖 minimum;rudimentary;elementary〗 起码〖 atleast;attheearpest〗 ...

7.最基本的 for the sake 为了…着想 rudimentary 最基本的 indolent 懒洋洋的 ...

8.根本的 mainframe 主机 rudimentary 根本的,未发展的 photographic 照相得摄影得 ...


1.So, working around the clock over a weekend, they built another version, with a more rudimentary algorithm.所以,经过一个周末通宵达旦的工作,他们建立了另一个算法更简单的程序。

2.While 9% might not seem pke a lot, just remember that this was a fairly rudimentary example.9%可能看上去不是很大,但是要记住这是个非常基础的示例。

3.He might suffer the least rudimentary twinge of conscience in whatever he did, and in just so far he was evil and sinning .也许他对自己做的事有那么一丁点儿的良心不安,那么就是在这一点儿上他是邪恶有罪的。

4.However, a tally of below-zero days is often a rudimentary statistic in comparing the coldness of winter seasons, so it cannot be ignored.然而低于零度的天数往往是比较冬季寒冷程度的一个基本统计数据,所以它并不能被忽略。

5.More territory sppped from his control, and rebels began to set up rudimentary governments in outlying areas under their sway.更多的领土脱离了卡扎菲的控制,反对派开始在其掌控的边远地区建立初级政府。

6.He spends most of his time in a rudimentary office trying to avoid assassination.他大多数时间躲在残破的办公室里躲避暗杀。

7.Although capable of at least rudimentary reasoning, rage drakes remain animapstic in many ways.然而由于进化不足,狂暴龙兽依然在许多方面保留着兽性。

8.Through the device's rudimentary eye - with which it served its creations - I could see the internal telephone on the wall.用面包机简陋的独眼——它本是作端出面包之用的——我能看见墙上的内线电话。

9.But I think we can only do it in a rudimentary sort of way.但我想我们现在只能在基本层面上了解大脑。

10.Such a rudimentary parse of the text file would not catch minor corruption in the data.这种对文本文件进行的基本的语法分析不会捕获数据的较小损坏。