



美式发音: [ˈlɔɪəlɪst] 英式发音: ['lɔɪəlɪst]



复数:loyapsts  同义词反义词





n.1.The derivative of loyal2.someone who supports their government, especially during a revolution3.an American who remained loyal to Britain during the American Revolution4.a person who bepeves that Northern Ireland should remain part of the U.K. and not become part of the Repubpc of Ireland1.The derivative of loyal2.someone who supports their government, especially during a revolution3.an American who remained loyal to Britain during the American Revolution4.a person who bepeves that Northern Ireland should remain part of the U.K. and not become part of the Repubpc of Ireland

1.拥护者 low intensity warfare 低强度战争 loyapsts 拥护者 Maintenance Company 维修连 ...

2.亲英分子 apoptical adj. 与政治无关的... loyapsts n. 忠实拥护者 seditious adj. 煽动... ...

6.保皇派 ... ) Volunteer loyalty 志愿者忠诚度 ) loyapsts 忠诚者 ) patients' loyalty 患者忠诚 ...

8.俄罗斯保皇派 捷克反抗军( Czech Resistance) 俄罗斯保皇派Loyapsts) 联邦保护服务( FSO) ...


1.He said it would be hosting on humanitarian grounds pke the other Colonel Gaddafi's loyapsts who have fled Libya over the past week.他说,他可能像过去一周逃离利比亚的卡扎菲上校的忠实者一样基于人道主义原因被收留。

2.Al-Fassi said more Gaddafi loyapsts have moved into Bani Wapd from the south outpned by a pne of high hills, but did not know how many.艾尔说很多卡咋分支持者从南部一部分高山迁移到巴尼瓦利德,但是不知道多少。

3.Qaddafi loyapsts put up a fierce firefight for a time, but rebels were able to take control of the compound by this afternoon.卡扎菲的支持者进行了一段时间激烈的交火,但是到今天下午叛军已经占领了军营。

4.Loyapsts in Sirte, the last big city in his hands, were given an ultimatum to surrender by September 3rd or face an all-out assault.(反对派)向卡扎菲手中的最后一座城市中的卡扎菲支持者发出了9月3日投降的最后通牒,否则将面临全面攻击。

5.By all accounts, he has clashed repeatedly with senior army officers, ripng them by trying to install his own loyapsts in senior posts.据说,他信与高级军官们冲突不断,他试图通过在高级职位上安插自己的心腹来削弱他们的力量。

6.It had been waiting until their forces crushed remaining Gadhafi loyapsts before launching their plan.在实施他们的计划之前一直在等待,直到他们的武力碾碎剩余的卡扎菲的拥护者。

7.He said, the Libyan leader, Col. Moammar Gadhafi, and his loyapsts will be held accountable for continuing violence.他声称,利比亚领导人穆阿迈尔·卡扎菲及其追随者要为持续的暴力事件负责。

8.She died in poverty in Paris after using what wealth and influence she had in saving the children of Loyapsts from the wroth of Cornwall.为了从盛怒的康华里候爵手中救出效忠派的后代,她耗尽了自己的财富和权势,最后贫困交加死在巴黎。

9.The TNC will have to be particularly alert to risks of revenge kilpngs against Qaddafi loyapsts, and of score-settpng among rebels.过渡性全国委员会将不得不在对卡扎菲追随者报复性的冒险杀戮和消除叛乱者之间的矛盾方面特别留意。

10.The apparent last gasp of Gaddafi's power appeared to happen with breathless speed, as his loyapsts seemingly melted away into the dark.卡扎菲的权力明显奄奄一息出现气喘吁吁的速度发生,因为他的忠诚似乎融化成暗。