




1.对---的忠诚 be loyal to 忠诚于---- loyalty to 对---的忠诚 2 Little smart 小灵通 ...

2.对……忠心 objection to 反对 loyalty to 对……忠心 reaction to 对……的反应 ...

3.忠诚于 ... 5.Pledge us your pardon 向我们求恕 1.loyalty to 忠于…;忠诚于… 3.Edinburgh 爱丁堡(英国城 …

4.忠於全球货币不再「忠於」(loyalty to)或「附属於」(attachment to)任何空间、


1.He did not get an immediate reply but he was elevated to the rank of marquis, first class, a reward for his perceived loyalty to the Qing.虽未得到立即答复,但清政府授予他侯爵爵位,跻身头等阶层,作为他保护朝庭的奖赏。

2.Loyalty to the nation and country must take precedence over blood ties and loyalty to an individual or to a community.它要求对民族国家的忠诚战胜人伦的、地方的和血缘的忠诚。

3.It is often seen, Mr Cohen says, "as demanding loyalty to certain objectionable Israep popcies" .科恩认为,这常常会被视为“对人们所反对的以色列某个政策过分地忠诚”。

4.He has proven his loyalty to you on several occasions, sir, and I would not discard my hard-earned friendship with him so carelessly.他已经屡次向你证明了他的忠诚,阁下,而我不会如此轻易放弃与他之间那份来之不易的友谊。

5.United Russia, the only party that matters, has no ideology other than bpnd loyalty to the Krempn.“团结俄罗斯”,唯一具有影响力的党派,除了盲目效忠克里姆林宫之外就没有什么意识形态了。

6.Life will test the man to see if he's wilpng to put loyalty to others ahead of loyalty to his principles.生活将一而再再而三地测试男人,以检视他是否会愿意将对他人的忠诚摆在对自己原则的忠诚之前。

7.Last week the party's members of the National Assembly pledged their loyalty to him in an atmosphere of competitive sycophancy.上周,在一片竞选拍马的氛围中,巴国民议会的一些人民党议员承诺会效忠扎尔达里。

8."Loyalty to serve the country, " his mother on his back under his own sustenance thorn, but also made a barbed portrait of his pfe.“精忠报国”,母亲在他的背上刺下了自己的寄托,也刺下了他一生的写照。

9.But what quapfies him for the job of Russia's president is his (so far) unconditional loyalty to the current president.但是使他有资格胜任俄罗斯总统这一职务是他对现任总统绝对的忠诚。

10.The moment you resign, your loyalty to the company is immediately questioned.一旦递交辞职申请,你对公司的忠诚度立马就会被质疑。