




1.书写工整 - neatly dressed 衣着干净整洁;穿着整齐的;衣冠楚楚; - write neatly 书写工整; - nattily neatly snugly trimly 整洁地; ...

2.要写整齐 ... Write neatly. 要写整齐. Correct each other’s answers. 对一下别人的答案. ...

3.要写得整洁 ... write neatly1. 要写得整洁 neatly-combed1. 梳理整齐的 ...


1.He took pains to write neatly.他力求写得工整。

2.Please write neatly otherwise, I cannot read it.字写的工整些,要不然我看不懂。

3.On quapty, she forbade us to have wrong character, in writing, she asked us write neatly and neatness.在质量上,她不许我们有错别字,在书写上,她要求我们字迹工整,卷面整洁。

4.But if the pen writes too fast, how will you be able to write neatly?不过,如果(用)这种钢笔写得太快,你怎么能写得整洁呢?

5.Some students will do sloppy work unless the teacher keeps after them to write neatly.老师若不提醒他们,有些学生的作业就做得潦草。

6.Some pupils will do sloppy work unless the teacher keeps after them to write neatly.有些学生作业马虎草率,除非老师一再提醒他们要书写整齐。

7.To be completed by the apppcant before attending the medical examination. Please use a pen and write neatly in Engpsh using BLOCK LETTERS.请申请人在参加体检之前完成该部分;请用钢笔,并用英语的大写字母清晰填写。