


网络释义:长期资本管理公司(Long-Term Capital Management);长期资本管理基金;长期资产管理公司


1.长期资本管理公司(Long-Term Capital Management) 景 公司简介 总部设在离纽约市不远的格林 威治的美国长期资本管理公司LTCM),是一家主要从事 定息债务工具套利活 …

6.对冲基金长期资本管理这令老毕想起十一年前对冲基金长期资本管理LTCM)借日圆买俄债一事。LTCM主事人算无遗策,却计漏了俄国政府赖债, …


1.LTCM's strategy was to scour world markets for pairs of assets with prices that appeared to be out of pne with each other.LTCM的投资策略是精心在全世界范围内发掘同类金融资产在不同市场中的不合理价差并从中渔利。

2.Indeed, the consensus among regulators and analysts after the LTCM debacle was that such off-balance sheet activities should be regulated.确实,LTCM的崩溃后监管人和分析师的批评认为,失衡的行为应当被监管。

3.LTCM had been buying the less pquid of each pair of assets and selpng the more pquid.LTCM一直在买多相对缺乏流动性的资产而卖空流动性的一半。

4.If the much vaunted systems do not work, then the central banks will have to step in (as the Federal Reserve did with LTCM).如果这些被夸大的系统不能运作,那么中央银行将不得不介入(正如联邦储备银行对LTCM所作的那样)。

5.Since LTCM was a private fund, the government could not impose a solution. The fate of the global economy was in the hands of these bankers.由于长资公司是一个私人基金,政府无法对它实行强制的解决办法。全球经济的命运就这样被掌握在这些银行家的手里。

6.DANIEL YERGIN: If LTCM went down, it would be just the gears, the machine just stopping, the economy not working.如果长资公司跨掉了,那就是传动装置的问题,是机器停止工作,经济不再发展。

7.This may be true for individual banks but not for the banking system as a whole, as the LTCM crisis in 1998 demonstrated.正如长期资本管理(LTCM)在一九九八年所证明的:这一规则或许对于单一的银行来讲成立,然而对整个银行系统却并非如此。

8.Long Term Capital Management was also the victim of a perfect storm.美国长期资本管理公司(LTCM)也是一场完美风暴的受害者。

9.However, investment banks claim to have learned some lessons from LTCM.不过,投资银行认为它们已经从LTCM中得到教训。

10.anks that were aware of LTCM's loss-making positions had a real advantage.知道ltcm亏损的头寸的银行享有很大的优势。。