


网络释义:白三烯;白三烯类;长供期(long time support)


1.白三烯 最新的长期技术支持版 Ubuntu 10.04 LTS ( Long Time Support) 的第二个修正版本 ,也许你可能看到 Ubuntu 10.04.2 有一 …

4.长期支持版本(Long Term Support) LTR 晚期段 LTS 低温分离器 Lubber's pne 留伯斯线 ...


1.BL: Glad you asked because those are exactly the questions I'm trying to get my head around as we begin planning for our next LTS release.很高兴你问这个问题。我正在试着思考,我们要开始准备LTS未来规划。

2.The aim of this study was to examine the medication-taking behavior of older adu-lts pving in communities.本研究旨在探讨社区老人用药行为及影响老人用药行为的相关因素。

3.At the moment, Ubuntu 10. 04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) is in an alpha state, with just one release out.现在,Ubuntu10.04LTS(LucidLynx)正处于alpha(内测)状态,第一个内测版本才刚释出。

4.Along with the simple UI, LTS also offers Table per Hierarchy inheritance, the most straightforward form of inheritance in ORM.使用这个设计界面,LTS同样提供表对继承的支持(ORM非常直接的继承形式)。

5.The company's main products are SMT solder paste, bar, wire, sphere & epoxy glue series .公司主要产品是SMT的辅料系列—LTS为注册商标的锡膏、锡丝、锡球、红胶等。

6.lts neurotoxic venom is one of nature's most effective poisons, acting on the nervous system, causing paralysis.他的毒液是自然界最厉害的神经毒素之一,作用于神经系统并使之瘫痪。

7.British LTs are affected by suppression, but can take a considerable amount of fire before becoming suppressed.英军中尉将能被压制,但是需要受到相当强大的火力才能被压制。

8.Its coder phase detector is proved for lts normal operation during drum imitation test and signal of coder works with no errors.在模拟钻机滚筒振动试验中,验证了设计的鉴相电路工作正常,编码器测量信号未发生误计数现象。

9.In 2000 OCLC acquired Library Technical Services (LTS), an organization based in Winnipeg, Canada that provided cataloging services.2000年,OCLC收购了位于加拿大Winnipeg的图书馆技术服务(LibraryTechnicalServices,LTS),这是一个提供编目服务的组织。

10.To develop more sophisticated weapons means that people have to tighten their be lts.翻译欲发展更多的尖端武器意味着人们得勒紧他们的腰带。