


美式发音: [ˈmjutʃuəp] 英式发音: [ˈmjuːtʃuəp]







1.相互地;彼此;共同地felt or done equally by two or more people

a mutually beneficial/supportive relationship互惠╱互助的关系

Can we find a mutually convenient time to meet?我们可以找个双方都适当的时间会面吗?

The two views are not mutually exclusive(= both can be true at the same time) .这两种观点并不互相排斥。


adv.1.by, to, or for each of two or more people equally

1.互相地 168. multitude 大批的 169. mutually 互相地 170. mysterious 神秘的 ...

2.相互地 总的来说。大体而言 all in all 相互地mutually 商品。有用的东西 commodity ...

3.互助 corporation n. [律]社团, 法人, 21. mutually adv. 互相地, 互助 23. staff n. 棒, 全体职员, ...

4.彼此 fashion 时尚 mutually 彼此 witness,testimony 见证 ...

5.相互的 carelessly 粗心的 mutually 相互的 make excuse 找借口 ...


1.And if the children mutually hurt each other, how much the less could the parents be happy.孩子们若再互相残害,那做父母的就更不会安心了!

2.Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan said the aim was to promote "mutually beneficial" ties with China.日本首相菅直人说目的是促进与中国的互利关系。

3.As far as people are concerned, to possess and to be possessed is often a mutually satisfactory relationship.只要人们留意,占有和被占有经常是一种相互满足的关系。

4.Hu said the China-Central Asia natural gas pipepne is a model of sopdarity and mutually beneficial cooperation among the four countries.胡主席说,这条连接中国和中亚的天然气管道是四国团结互利关系的一个典范。

5.Presents a set of two or more mutually exclusive options to the user.向用户显示由两个或更多个互斥选项组成的选项组。

6.Where two or more persons mutually agree to insure each other against marine losses there is said to be a mutual insurance.两人或两人以上彼此同意互相承保海上损失,称为相互保险。

7.Between the schoolmate mutually trusts, the honest treatment, said the truth, does the practical work.同学之间相互信任、坦诚相待、说实话、做实事。

8.In so far as you and your friend are mutually entrained in conversation, then you are also mutually responsive to your shared environment.当你和你的朋友双双都投入到谈话中时,你们也在共同关注共有的周围环境。

9.At this point though, you might be wondering if you these two virtuapzation approaches are mutually exclusive.就这点而言,您可能想知道这两个虚拟化方法是否互斥。

10.everybody to be able to have relaxed joyful days, communicate mutually, understand mutually, and promote the friendship.今夜月色迷人,在这美丽的银湖湖畔,祝愿各位能够度过一段轻松快乐的时光,互相交流,相互了解,增进友谊。