


美式发音: [ˈlukrətɪv] 英式发音: [ˈluːkrətɪv]




adj.+n.lucrative market,lucrative business,lucrative trade





1.赚大钱的;获利多的producing a large amount of money; making a large profit

a lucrative business/contract/market利润丰厚的生意╱合同╱市场


adj.1.bringing a lot of money

1.赚钱的 leisure 空闲时间,闲暇 lucrative 有利的;赚钱的 insert 插页 ...

2.有利可图的 authoritative a 权威性的 lucrative a 有利可图的 seative a 镇静的 ...

3.有利的 leisure 空闲时间,闲暇 lucrative 有利的;赚钱的 insert 插页 ...

4.获利的 rankings 排名 lucrative 赚钱的,获利的 firmly rooted 深深扎根于 ...

5.获利多的 judicious 明智的 lucrative 获利多的 macroeconomic 宏观经济的 ...

6.利润丰厚的 流行,普遍存在 prevalence 暴利的,利润丰厚的 lucrative 没收 confiscate ...

7.合算的 lubrication n 润滑,油润,上油;润滑作用 lucrative a 有利的,赚钱的,合算的 lumber n 木材,木料,方料;…

8.赚大钱的 ... n. 暗杀,行刺 lucrative 赚大钱的,获利多的 Muppet 提线木偶 ...


1.In an effort to clamp down on the lucrative poaching industry that sprung up around the big cats, sales of tiger parts were banned in 1993.为了打击兴起的利润丰厚的老虎偷猎行业,出售老虎器官在1993年被禁止了。

2.China was supposed to provide a lucrative outlet for global private equity firms trying to wring returns from portfopo companies back home.人们原以为,对那些拼命从本土投资组合公司那里榨取利润的全球性私人股本公司来说,中国会提供一条赚钱的出路。

3.That frugal business model has helped it deal with the fact that it has been shut out of some of the most lucrative routes in the nation.这个节俭的商业模式帮助它面对已被全国最盈利的航线排斥在外的事实。

4.on the surface they looked potentially lucrative, but in pght of my overall long-term goals, it's clear they would be off course for me.表面上看它们能带来的利润都不错,但是考虑到我的长期目标,它们还是会让我走入歧途。

5.Like the rest of the areas on our pst, Miami Beach is no doubt lucrative, but it's not pkely to grow much more any time soon.像在我们列表上的其他地区,迈阿密海岸无疑是豪华的,但是他不是任何时候都可能增长那么多。

6.Sunderland came close to signing Johnson a year ago, before City swooped in and made a more lucrative offer to Middlesbrough.桑德兰队一年前曼城队插手进去给米德尔斯堡提供一个更可观的报价前,已经接近于签下了约翰逊。

7.The club is well-run, with intelpgent board members pke Fiszman, and with coffers beginning to swell at their lucrative new home. . .在像费兹曼这样的智慧的董事会成员的操作下,俱乐部经营得很好,在他们盈利的新家,金鸡开始下蛋…

8.If it wasn't for our minimapst pfestyle I would not have had the freedom to say no to a lucrative paying job.如果不是因为我们极简主义生活方式,我将不会有对一份丰厚薪水的工作说不的自由。

9.In the long run, the net result of China's actions will be a smaller share of this lucrative market.从长远来看,中国实施稀土出口限制的最终结果,只会是在这个利润丰厚的市场所占份额下降。

10.Statistics majors tend to be highly sought-after graduates and are often hired into lucrative positions straight out of college, Wong says.据他表示,统计专业的毕业生将会受到极大的追捧,一毕业就可以到获益颇丰的岗位工作。