


美式发音: [ˈpɜrt(ə)nənt] 英式发音: [ˈpɜː(r)tɪnənt]





adj.+n.pertinent question





1.有关的;恰当的;相宜的appropriate to a particular situation

a pertinent question/fact有关的问题╱事实

Please keep your comments pertinent to the topic under discussion.请勿发表与讨论主题无关的言论。

adj.1.恰当的,贴切的,中肯的2.所论的,所指的;相干的;和...有关系的,关于...的 (to)


adj.1.relevant to something

1.中肯的 pertain 附属;有关 pertinent 贴切的,中肯的 perturb 使不安,烦扰 ...

2.有关的 pertinacious 执拗,固执的 pertinent 适当,有关的 perturb 使心烦意乱,扰乱 ...

3.相关的 pertinacity 顽固>游移不定 pertinent 相关的>无关系的 pervasive 普遍深入的>限量发送 ...

4.恰当的 retention n 保留;持久力 pertinent a 恰当的;相干的 continue v v. 继续 ...

5.相干的 retention n 保留;持久力 pertinent a 恰当的;相干的 continue v v. 继续 ...

6.贴切的 pertain 附属;有关 pertinent 贴切的,中肯的 perturb 使不安,烦扰 ...

7.切题的 SpEL has a lot of tricks up its sleeves, 锦囊妙计 pertinent 相关的,切题的 crux 关键 ...


1.If you lack imagination and judgment you'll fail to find pertinent information and fail to see connections between them.如果你缺乏想象力和判断力,你便无法找到适当的信息,也看不出这些信息之间的联系。

2.Catherine: The usual, you know something about your background, experience and any personal things that you feel is pertinent.凯瑟琳:一般情况――你的背景、经历和你认为任何与此相关的个人情况。

3.License and any other pertinent obpgations, then as a consequence you may not distribute the Program at all.其他相关的义务时,作为结果,你可以根本不发布程序。

4.Mercier added the pertinent warning: "To seek togo beyond this would be a great misfortune and a destructive undertaking. "梅谢尔又提出了恰当的警告:“越过上帝的法则去治国会是巨大的不幸和一件破坏性的事业。”

5.A document containing all the facts and points of law pertinent to a specific case, filed by an attorney before arguing the case in court.诉讼要点,案情摘要包含与案件有关的所有证据、论点的文件,由律师出庭辩论时提出

6.TYPICAL USE: A summary of the events leading up to this situation would be pertinent information.把造成这情况的先前事件作一简赂说明,才是适当的资料。

7.Barack Obama even quotes his wife in popcy meetings with his cabinet if he thinks her advice has been especially pertinent.奥巴马甚至在内阁的政策会议也会应用妻子的话,如果他认为她的建议特别中肯的话。

8.She was a mother who scientifically recorded all pertinent information regarding the physical, mental, and spiritual growth of her children.她是一位母亲,她科学地记录着她的孩子们在所有关于物质、心理和精神等方面增长的相关信息。

9.More directly pertinent to the gold price is the rising premium in Tokyo for gold bars now up to $2, whereas there is usually no premium.与金价更加相关的是东京金条不断上涨的保险费,现在已经达到了2美金,而以前通常是没有的。

10.Once objectives have been set and strategies chosen, they should be written down and made available to all of the pertinent players.一旦目标确立、策略选定,就应将它们记录下来并使所有的谈判成员都能了解。