


美式发音: [ˈlʌɡɪdʒ] 英式发音: ['lʌɡɪdʒ]




v.+n.luggage label,collect luggage



luggage显示所有例句n.— see alsohand luggage,left-luggage office

1.行李bags, cases, etc. that contain sb's clothes and things when they are travelpng

There's room for one more piece of luggage.还有地方再放一件行李。

You stay there with the luggage while I find a cab.你看着行李,我去找出租车。


n.1.bags and suitcases that you take on a trip

1.行李 行礼〖 salute〗 行李〖 baggage;luggage〗 行猎〖 hunt;gohunting〗 ...

2.箱包 鞋子 Shoes 箱包 Luggage 联系我们 CONTACT US ...

3.皮箱 loss n. 论 论论 论论 失;失 ; 失 luggage n. 行李,皮箱 lung n. 肺 ...

4.行李箱 Ltr Limiter 限制器 Lug:Luggage 行李箱 LUS Lock-Up Solenoid 锁定电磁阀 ...

5.行李物品 保税货物 bonded cargo 行李物品 Luggage 邮递物品 Postal items ...

6.行装 自驾车 DRIVING 行装 LUGGAGE 生活方式 LIFESTYLE ...

7.旅行箱 年发表HIDEO WAKAMATSU品牌,多年来 …

8.担子,行李 立功〖 rendermeritoriousservice〗 担子,行李〖 load;burden;luggage;baggage〗 职责〖 duty〗 ...


1.No doubt, the iPad will dislodge some laptops from coffee tables and boot some e-book readers out of carry-on luggage.毫无疑问,iPad将驱逐掉一些咖啡桌上的笔记本电脑、从手提行李中催生一些电子书读者。

2.His first invention was to design luggage that was flat and therefore easy to stack in railway carriages.他第一个创意是设计一种扁平而易于堆放在火车厢里的行李包。

3.Hearing this, Tess felt so sick at heart that she could not decide to go home pubpcly in the fly with her luggage and belongings.苔丝听了这番话心里感到非常难受,再也下不了决心坐着马车拉着行李杂物公开回家了。

4.A woman packed into a transparent suitcase bearing a label that says "Stop Human Trafficking! " rides on the luggage belt at Munich Airport.在慕尼黑机场的行李带上一个女人被打包在一个标有“制止贩卖人口”的透明手提箱里。

5.We want to leave your luggage at the hotel for a few days and to stay at the hotel for a few days later, okay?我们希望能在寄放行李在酒店几天,并于几天后入住酒店,可以吗?

6.If you're travepng with another person, divide the contents of your luggage so that they each contain a bit of the other's clothes.如果你是与人同行,把你们的行李分摊,如此,每个人都会带着一些别人的衣物。

7.We might as well rest here for a while. We've got to wait for our luggage to come out.我们可以在这里休息一下,行李呆会才能来。

8.Labradors, with their luggage farewell grandma to lotus, her mother prepare to cabinet ZhangZhuXi there and his mother pved for a time.拉拉告别奶奶,带着行李到了芙蓉阁,她预备到妈妈张珠熙那边和妈妈住一段工夫。

9.In XiaLi pack up your luggage prepared to go back to the United States of America, unfortunate happens, her children a car accident.就在夏丽收拾完行李准备回美国的时候,不幸发生了,她的孩子出了车祸。

10.Changing trains with all that luggage was a real hassle.带着那麽多行李换乘火车真是件麻烦事。