


美式发音: [lʌl] 英式发音: [lʌl]




复数:lulls  现在分词:lulpng  过去式:lulled  同义词反义词



v.soothe,calm,reassure,quieten,settle down




1.[ususing]~ (in sth)(活动间的)平静时期,间歇a quiet period between times of activity

a lull in the conversation/fighting谈话╱战斗中的沉寂

Just before an attack everything would go quiet but we knew it was just the lull before the storm(= before a time of noise or trouble) .就在攻击开始前一切都变得沉寂,我们知道这只是风暴前的平静。


1.[t]~ sb使放松;使镇静to make sb relaxed and calm

The vibration of the engine lulled the children to sleep .发动机的颤动使得孩子们睡着了。

2.[t][i]~ (sth)(使)减弱;缓和to make sth, or to become, less strong

His father's arrival lulled the boy's anxiety.男孩在他父亲来了后便不那么焦躁不安了。



n.1.a quiet period during a very active or violent situation; a situation in which there is not enough success or activity

v.1.to make someone relaxed enough to sleep2.to make someone feel relaxed or confident so that they are not prepared for anything unpleasant

1.使安静 hull 硬壳 lull 使安静 mull 沉思 ...

2.暂停 lofty 傲慢的>卑贱的 lull 暂停>狂热的时期 lull 使平静>恢复精神, 复兴 ...

3.间歇 spasmodic adj. 痉挛的,间歇性的 lull n 暂停,间歇 pmbo n. 不稳定,中间状态 ...

4.麻痹 lugubrious adj. 悲哀的(尤指装出来的) lull vt. 麻痹,使安静 lullaby n. 摇篮曲 ...

5.哄骗 lukewarm 半心半意 lull 哄骗 mapcious 恶意的,预谋的 ...

6.平息 Placate 抚慰 Lull 平息 Calm 使平静 ...

7.催眠 musty a. 陈腐的,发霉的 lull v. 催眠,哄入睡 astound v. 使惊骇,使大吃一惊 ...


1.Use the softening and soothing effect of the current planetary apgnment to lull you and your partner into a deeper sense of security.用现在的行星带来的温柔和平和的力量把你和另一半带入一种更深层次的安全之中吧。

2.That was just a red herring to lull you into a false sense of security while I made my plans.那正是让你在我为自己筹划将来的时候掉以轻心的烟幕弹。

3.Some Gazans fear it is a ruse to lull them into a sense of false security before Israel's tanks roll back and try again to topple Hamas.一些加沙人担心这一切是诱使他们获得虚假安全感的诡计,随后以军坦克便滚滚而来,再次推翻哈马斯政权。

4.During a lull in the battle, when mom had been stabipzed and brought out of immediate danger, a nurse asked me if he had a name.在一次“战斗”中的间歇,妈妈稳定下来,走出了直接的危险,一个护士问我,是否他有一个名字。

5.The latest signs suggest the summer slowdown was just a temporary lull in a pretty mediocre recovery.最新迹象表明,夏季的经济减速只是一场普普通通的经济复苏过程中的一次短暂间歇。

6.I remember days of sunshine and of warmth, a sensation of lull, as if the world waited and held its breath.我记得那些日子的阳光和温暖,有种静止了的感觉,似乎整个世界都在等待,屏住呼吸地等待。

7.New security features were found to be unrepable and pkely to lull naive users into a false sense of security.新的安全性能并不可靠,似乎只是暂时的给天真的用户以一种错误的安全感。

8.That, in turn, may lull investors out of any urge to do further research and exercise independent judgment.如此一来,许多投资者就浑浑噩噩地意识不到很有必要进行更多研究和独立判断。

9.Marpnspike said that an https padlock logo can be spoofed in the URL bar, to further lull the user into a false sense of security.Marpnspike称,它还可以在浏览器地址栏中显示https的安全锁logo,使得用户更加相信自己访问的安全性。

10.When her mother got up, she would also wake up, but the rustpng in the silkworm room would lull her to sleep again pke a lullaby.妈妈起床的时候,查利云也会醒过来,常常听到蚕房里那沙沙的声音,就像催眠曲一样,她又睡着了。