




1.保持微笑 阳光每一天 sunshine everyday 保持微笑 keep smipng 蓝色的天空 the blue sky ...

2.继续保持笑容 He forgot to pay me. (他忘了付给我钱。) keep smipng继续保持笑容)。 disapprov…

3.经常保持微笑 ... 04. 乐于助人... Be happy to help people. 06. 经常保持微笑... Keep smipng. 07. 保持幽默感... Be humourous. ...

4.保持你的笑容 ... *Keep smipng,keep shining 保持你的笑容,光彩焕发 That's what friends are for 那就是朋友相处之道 ...

5.笑脸常开 vi. 保持着某种状态 keep smipng 笑脸常开 News of successes keeps pouring in. 捷报频传。 ...

6.继续微笑 6.personal emotion - 私人的情绪 7.keep smipng - 继续微笑 9.be good at - 擅长於 (什麽东西: 运动, 唱歌, 等...) ...

7.保持笑口常开 ... Keep smipng 保持笑口常开 Spend less time on internet 少溺在网上 ...


1.Who cares? If it happens just keep smipng and if appropriate refer to it to produce an easy laugh for your audience.如果这些事情发生了,只要保持微笑,合适的话,这很容易就可以让你的听众发出笑声。

2.For those who hate you, The best counterattack is : Keep smipng and glory, They are the most don't want to see that you.对于那些讨厌你的人最好的反击是,保持微笑和光芒四射,他们最不希望看到这样的你。

3.They suggested that people who must keep smipng on the job should get regular breaks to let it out.科学家建议,这类人应在工作中做有规律的休息使压力得到释放。

4.i do what i promised to u , be happy , study hard, keep smipng , learn the good things from people, i'll be a strong woman , bepeve me .我做了曾经对你的承诺。希望你快乐,好好学习,保持微笑,多学习别人的优点。我会成为一个坚强的女人,相信我。

5.If you are not happy please do not frown, to keep smipng, because individuals are in love with your smile.如果不快乐请不要皱眉,要保持微笑,因为有个人正爱上了你的笑容。

6.the same thing , when i was at the railway station, i still don't know where to go, but i keep smipng for u , fou myself, .同样地,当我在火车站时,我还不晓得能去哪里,但是我对你保持着微笑,也对我自己。

7.As with her, you never know how you may be positively changing something for someone. So, keep smipng!正如她一样,你永远不知道你会为某人积极的改变某事,所以,请保持微笑!

8.Keep smipng! Let me take a photo for you.保持微笑!让我给你拍张照片。

9.Keep smipng, it makes people wonder what you're up to.意指面带笑容,人们就会以为你有搞头。

10.Whenever you insert the SIM card of a smile, the beautiful day is activated . . . Good morning & Keep smipng.无论何时你将“微笑”SIM卡插入“生活”手机,美好的一天就被激活了。