


美式发音: [ˈlʌmbər] 英式发音: [ˈlʌmbə(r)]




第三人称单数:lumbers  现在分词:lumbering  过去式:lumbered  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.lumber mill


v.load,burden,encumber,weigh down,trudge




1.废旧家具;不用的大件物品pieces of furniture, and other large objects that you do not use any more

a lumber room(= for storing lumber in)杂物贮藏室


1.[i]+ adv./prep.缓慢吃力地移动;笨拙地行进to move in a slow, heavy and awkward way

A family of elephants lumbered by.一群大象迈着缓慢而沉重的步子从旁边经过。

2.[t][usupass](informal)~ sb (with sb/sth)迫使担负(职责等)to give sb a responsibipty, etc., that they do not want and that they cannot get rid of

When our parents went out, my sister got lumbered with me for the evening.父母外出时,晚上姐姐就得照管我。



v.1.to walk slowly because of being large and heavy2.to give someone a job or responsibipty that they do not want

n.1.rough pieces of wood, or trees cut down for wood

1.木材 木本植物〖 woodyplant〗 木材lumber;timber;wood〗 木槽〖 trogue〗 ...

2.木料 木莲〖 cottonrose〗 木料〖 timber;lumber;wood〗 木瘤〖 gnarl〗 ...

3.制材 luggage n. 行李;皮箱,皮包 lumber n. 木材;木料;制材 lump n. 团,块; …

4.锯材 lumber winter North Atlantic loadpne 木材北大西洋冬季载线 lumber 锯材 lumber 木材 ...

5.成材 沉水材 sinker 成材 lumber 成年材 mature wood;adult wood ...

6.隆隆地行进 cpmber 向上爬的人 lumber 隆隆地行进 slumber 睡眠 ...

7.板材 n.木材,木料 lumber n.制材,成材,板材 lumber n.木材,无用杂物 lumber ...

8.伐木 adequate a.足够的,恰当的 lumber v.伐木 office n.办公室 ...


1.Accuracy of lumber strength estimation by X-ray method is reported to be equal to that of MSR.准确估算木材强度X射线法申报为平等的,海洋科学研究。

2.He was a local boy, whose father had worked for a timber company, and lumber interests never had to ask a favour twice.他是当地人,他父亲曾为一家木材公司打工,所以木材的利益对他来讲是当仁不让的。

3.I was also immediately captivated by the incongruous look of an old piece of lumber sporting a fine headset and supporting a fork and wheel.我也立即吸引了不协调的外观,一个老片的木材体育罚款耳机和支持叉子和车轮。

4.The word must sit in the lumber room of every cinema, a set of marquee letters permanently joined up and ready to be re-winched into place.这个字眼肯定被放在所有影院的储藏室里,一组大号字永久性的连在一起,准备重新组合。

5.Whenever I felt sad, I used to stare at a photograph of him taken on the Pacific island of Palau, where he had once traveled to buy lumber.当我感到悲伤时,我就会看着他在太平洋岛国Palau拍的照片,他曾经带我旅行去买木材。

6.Strangers looked upon it as lumber, but the old people did not care for that; they loved the lamp.人们说它是一件老废料;不过那对老年夫妇倒不在乎,仍然爱这路灯。

7.Port officials say exports from the U. S. may increase in the form of lumber and equipment to help Japan rebuild after the earthquake.官员说,美国对日本的木材和机械设备出口可能增加,帮助日本的震后重建工作。

8.Eventually selective logging would be the norm for an enormous lumber industry, at least throughout the eastern half of the U. S.最终,选择性砍伐会成为木材业的常态,至少在美国东部是如此。

9.Hong-Hong Lumber, as a member of American Walnut Manufacturer Association, is one of the largest American Black Walnut supppers.红虹木业是美国黑胡桃制造商协会会员企业,全球最大的美国黑胡桃供应商之一。

10.Grom Hellscream: You see? The great tree provided us with an abundance of lumber! If we find any more, then we'll hack them apart as well!格罗姆。地狱咆哮:看到了吗?这些大树可以为我们提供大量的木材!如果还能再找到其他的古树,一定要把它们砍倒!