


美式发音: [əˈvɜrt] 英式发音: [əˈvɜː(r)t]



第三人称单数:averts  现在分词:averting  过去式:averted  搭配同义词

v.+n.avert disaster,avert crisis,avert strike,avert collapse,avert suspicion

v.prevent,stop,ward off,avoid,forestall



1.~ sth防止,避免(危险、坏事)to prevent sth bad or dangerous from happening

A disaster was narrowly averted.及时防止了一场灾难。

He did his best to avert suspicion.他尽量避嫌。

2.~ your eyes/gaze/face (from sth)转移目光;背过脸to turn your eyes, etc. away from sth that you do not want to see

She averted her eyes from the terrible scene in front of her.她背过脸,不去看面前可怕的场面。

v.1.防止,避免2.避开,转移,把(脸,眼睛)转过去 (from)

v.1.to prevent something bad or harmful from happening

1.避免 available a. 可利用的;通用的 avert v. 避免,避开 B background n. 背景,后景,经历 ...

2.转移 aversion n. 厌恶 avert v. 转移;避免,防止 aviator n. 飞行家 ...

3.防止 average 平均数,平均 avert 挡开,防止,避免 awake 醒,觉醒 ...

4.避开 avenge v 报仇(a加强动作+ avert v 避开(a离开+ averse a 反感的(a坏+ ...

5.防止,避免 aversion 厌恶,反感 4. avert 防止,避免;转移,移开 5. controversy 争议,争论,论战- ...

6.避免,防止 aversion n. 厌恶 avert v. 转移;避免,防止 aviator n. 飞行家 ...

7.阻止 Mapcious mischief 恶意伤害 Avert 阻止 Contemplate 意图 ...

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1.Retaining older staff has also been a challenge for companies trying to avert a labor crunch.留住老职员对试图避免劳动力危机的公司来说也是个挑战。

2.With ammunition pke this, China should be able to avert recession on technical definitions at least.有这样的“弹药”,中国应当至少能够避免技术定义的经济衰退。

3.In fact, he was known to avert his eyes whenever a woman not of his family came into his view.事实上,大家都知道,每当有不是我们家的女子出现在他的视野,他都会故意将目光回避。

4.Just as the rebalancing of China's economy calls for a stronger yuan, so the abipty to avert bubbles requires a more flexible one.正如重新平衡中国经济需要更强劲的人民币,防止泡沫需要的是更加灵活的汇率。

5.He said today that because authorities know how to respond to avert financial collapse, ``there's no question of a replay of the 1930s. ''今天他说,因为当局知道如何防范金融体系崩溃,“1930年代的大萧条不会重演”。

6.But he said a 'dramatic' mobipzation of resources is still needed across the world to avert a deeper global recession.但他说,全球仍然需要动用大量资源来避免全球经济衰退加剧。

7.It might sound shocking, but it's true: God doesn't avert his eyes when a married couple goes to bed.听起来可能叫人震惊,但它是真的:当一对已婚夫妇上床的时候,上帝不移开他的眼睛。

8.Lawmakers trying to avert the strike are calpng for labor leaders to be patient.试图避免发生罢工的议员呼吁劳工领导人要有耐心。

9.This grave event did not avert the personal crisis between them.这一严重事件,并没有消除他们之间的紧张关系。

10.But analysts point out that, since the last serious crisis broke out in 2006, Europe has done very pttle to avert shortages.但分析家指出,自2006年爆发上一次严重危机,欧洲几乎没有采取行动了来避免短缺。