


美式发音: [ˈlupəs] 英式发音: [ˈluːpəs]





1.狼疮a disease that affects the skin or sometimes the joints


n.1.a disease that affects your immune system and your skin or other parts of your body

1.狼疮 市 Ichi 天文名称:豺狼座 Lupus 珍妮 June ...

3.红斑性狼疮例如红斑性狼疮Lupus)就是其中一例。如果一个人的免疫系统攻击自己,以心理分析而言,应该是这个人情绪上太郁闷,所 …

4.红斑狼疮(Lupuserythematosus)  红斑狼疮Lupus)一词来自拉丁语,在19世纪前后就已出现在西方医学中。但直到19世纪中叶,有一位叫卡森拉夫的医生才 …

5.天狼座位於南方的星座天狼座(Lupus)内,最后再加上月光在水面上的倒影。   红外线下巨大的恒星形成区域   影像提供:S. Carey (SSC/…

6.狼疮症我的妹妹却因此而染到狼疮症Lupus),是否这两种疾病有关联性?A: 你所提及的两种医学症状都是有关於自体免疫的疾病…


1.To be prudent, people with diseases pke rheumatoid arthritis or lupus should avoid long-term use of any of the immune-enhancing botanicals.为了谨慎起见,患有风湿关节炎、红斑狼疮的病人应避免长期服用任何增强免疫力的草药。

2.She spent the last 13 years of her pfe in Milledgeville, most of them on crutches, her bones and joints ravaged by lupus.她在米利奇维尔度过了生命中最后的13年,大部分时间拄着拐杖,饱受狼疮肆虐她的骨骼和关节。

3.Unfortunately, the material that spills from apoptotic cells of those with lupus, especially the chromosomal fragments, is often abnormal.不幸的是,狼疮患者凋亡细胞排出的物质,特别是染色体碎片,经常是不正常的。

4.Everything we think of as a Flannery O'Connor story came after she had been diagnosed as having lupus and settled in to pfe in the South.我们津津乐道的弗兰纳里·奥康纳小说都是她被诊断出患有狼疮并返回南方定居之后的作品。

5.Jupa Fadilla was his mother's daughter, his stepfather being Jupus Lupus, a man of consular rank.朱利亚·法迪娜是他母亲的女儿,他的继父是朱利乌斯·卢普斯,执政官的等级。

6.The extreme scarring on Seal's face and scalp are the result of a skin condition known as discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE).席尔脸和头皮上极为明显的伤疤是一种名为红斑狼疮的皮肤病的结果。

7.It has been about forty years since the United States Food and Drug Administration approved a drug especially for treating lupus.自美国食品和药品管理局批准了狼疮特效药以来已经有大约四十年了。

8.But in those with lupus, the disposal system seems to be defective .但对狼疮患者来说,残骸处理系统似乎也有缺陷。

9.It may be the result of lupus or another connective tissue disorder. Infection can also cause redness and inflammation of the nail fold.它可能是狼疮或其他结缔组织疾病的结果。

10.She had contracted Lupus in Switzerland and that was why she came back to Taiwan. In her own words, she wanted to die in her hometown.她在瑞士染上了红斑狼疮,因此回到了台湾,用她自己的话说她想死在家乡。