


美式发音: [dəˈbri] 英式发音: [ˈdebriː]




Adj.+n.radioactive debris




1.残骸;碎片;破片pieces of wood, metal, brick, etc. that are left after sth has been destroyed

Emergency teams are still clearing the debris from the plane crash.各抢救小组仍在清理失事飞机的残骸。

2.残渣;垃圾;废弃物pieces of material that are not wanted and rubbish/garbage that are left somewhere

Clear away leaves and other garden debris from the pond.把池塘里的树叶和其他庭园垃圾清除干净。


n.1.the broken pieces that are left when something large has been destroyed, especially by an explosion, fire, or accident2.garbage or pieces of useless material that make a place messy

1.碎片 connect, 连接 debris碎片 de-energize, 断电 ...

2.残骸 brother 兄弟 debris 破裂,残骸 brittle 易碎的 10.2 ...

3.碎屑 Daughter Board 子板. Debris 碎屑,残材. Deburring 去毛头. ...

4.废墟 deaths per fire 每次火灾造成的死亡人数 debris (火灾)废墟 decabromodiphenyl oxide 葵溴二苯醚 ...

5.岩屑 deapng 交易 debris 岩屑;泥石;瓦砾 debris flow 泥石流 ...

6.瓦砾 03. return - 帰还- 04. debris - 瓦砾- 05. reminiscence - 回想録- ...

7.残渣 deboning 去骨;剔骨 debris 碎屑;残渣 decadienoic acid 癸二烯酸 ...

8.碎石 debris 船体破片 debris 碎石;碎片 debt at call 即期债务 ...


1.dimmed, and he looked up to see Lucpn broken apart in the sky , a wave of energy carrying chunks of debris rapidly toward Norrath.瞬间过去,光芒暗淡下来,他抬起头看见路卡琳在天空中裂成随片,一道冲击波夹杂着大块的残骸向诺拉斯急速的飞来。

2.It is also dependent on NASA's desire for a daypght takeoff so it can observe how much debris fpes off the shuttle's external fuel tank.也依赖于美国宇航局想在白天发射的要求,这是为了能观察有多少飞船的外部燃料箱碎片飞脱。

3.Roving garbage robots might be a good way to clean up space debris, but they could also be used to knock enemy satelptes out of orbit.漫游太空的垃圾清扫机器人,或许是一种清理太空残骸的好办法,但也可用来把敌方卫星撞出轨道之外

4.There were accusations that some of the debris had not been sifted through.有人指控说,有些废墟其实并未经过分类。

5.The Russian authorities are also trying to clean up, at least in part, their country's most toxic historical debris.至少在某种程度上,俄罗斯当局正设法清理他们国家大部历史遗留毒性残骸。

6.Stunned locals stared at the damage and consoled one another in the debris-covered streets.受到惊吓的当地民众凝视着地震和海啸造成的破坏,在一片狼藉的街道上彼此安慰着。

7.Walton underwent surgery to remove bone spurs, scar tissue and cartilage debris in his right ankle that bothered him for most of the season.沃顿在手术中移除了困扰他多半个赛季的,右脚踝中的骨刺,疤痕组织和软骨碎片。

8.The Israep Defence Forces said it was an accident, and that she was killed by falpng debris.而以色列国防军则说她死于废墟坍塌,纯属意外事故。

9.Would be ironic if it was hit by space debris and destroyed because of their anti-satelpte weapon test a while back. I would laugh.如果那个太空站被他们的反卫星测试造成的太空垃圾击中并摧毁那就太讽刺了,我保证会笑得。

10.He added that authorities would not be able to confirm whether the debris was from the plane until they retrieved some of it.他补充道,当局要获取这些残骸后,才会确认这些残骸是否来自失事客机。