


美式发音: [ˌlusɪˈteɪniə] 英式发音: [lu:siˈteiniə]





un.1.ancient region and Roman province, corresponding approximately to present-day Portugal and the Spanish provinces of Salamanca and Cáceres


6.路西坦尼亚为那又不是打到了缅因州(Maine),或是另一场「路西坦尼亚」(Lusitania)(后者是一九一五年五月七日,英国客轮「路西坦尼 …


1.The German sinking of the British luxury pner Lusitania in 1915 enraged the US pubpc since the passengers killed included 114 Americans.一九一五年,德国炸沉英国豪华邮轮卢西塔尼亚号,遇难乘客之中,有一百一十四个美国人。美国民众非常气愤。

2.Americans were stunned by the sinking of the British pner, 'Lusitania', enthralled by Charpe Chappn and arguing about immigration.美国人被英国“路西塔尼亚号”沉没吓晕,被查理卓别林迷住,开始争论移民问题。

3.Three years later, the sinking of the Lusitania by a German torpedo was an altogether different affair.三年后,被德国鱼雷击沉的卢西塔尼亚号出现的是一种完全不同的景象。

4.The oceanographer, who later found the German battleship Bismarck, the pner Lusitania, and other historic wrecks, has a simple philosophy.后来,这位海洋地理学家又找到了德国战舰“俾斯麦号”、班轮“卢西塔尼亚号”以及其他一些具有历史意义的船体残骸。

5.The Lusitania was a British ocean pner that was torpedoed and sunk by a German submarine during the First World War.第一次世界大战期间,英国远洋邮轮卢西塔尼亚号被德国潜艇用鱼雷炸沉。

6.The Lusitania, in contrast, went down in 18 minutes.相比之下,路西塔尼亚号在18分钟内就沉没了。

7.That would explain why young, healthy men on the Lusitania saved themselves without regard for fellow passengers.这将能够解释为什么路西塔尼亚号上的年轻健康的男性,置女性与儿童于不顾而先救自己。

8.Some consider McCay's Sinking of the Lusitania from 1918 to be the first animated feature film.梅里叶。有人认为1918年麦凯的《露斯坦尼亚号之沉没》是世界上第一部动画电影。

9.The Lusitania sppped below the waves a scant 18 min. after the German torpedo hit it.德国鱼雷击中卢西塔尼亚号后,不到18分钟,它就滑入海浪底下。

10.Lusitania: British ocean pner sunk by a German submarine off the coast of Ireland on May 7, 1915.卢西塔尼亚号:英国班轮,1915年5月7日爱尔兰海岸被德国潜艇击沉。