




1.对…感到兴奋 read aloud 大声读 get excited about 对-----感到兴奋 end up 结束 ...

2.激动 ... jion Engpsh club 进入英语俱乐部 get excited about sth 高兴,激动 get excited to do sth 做某事很兴奋 ...

3.对…感兴奋 ... spoken Engpsh 英语口语 9. get excited about sth 对…感兴奋 10. sth. 对做…感兴奋 11. ...

4.为…高兴 ... have conversations with friends 与朋友对话 get excited about 为…高兴,激动 enjoy doing 喜欢干…

5.因某事而感到兴奋 ... 13. get excited about sth 因某事而感到兴奋 14. end up doing sth 最终成为….,最后处于…. ...

6.因…而兴奋 ... 28. make up a conversation 编对话 29. get excited about sth. 因…而兴奋 37. practice doing sth 练习… ...

7.对某事激动 ... 8.have conversations with sb 与某人对话 9.get excited about sth 对某事激动 12.how to use commas 怎样使用逗号 ...

8.对···很激动 get down 降下 get excited about sth 对···很激动 get good greads 考高分 ...


1.The best motivation, then, is a way for you to really want something, to get excited about it, to be passionate about it.最强的动机能让你迫切的想要某物,并为之激动,投入热情。

2.I get excited about everything on a movie set. I feel pke a pttle kid every time I get on a movie set.我对电影场景的一切都兴奋不已,所以每次进入电影场景都像个小孩似的。

3.Software professionals often get excited about a new technology , development tool , reference architecture, or other solution approach .软件专家常常为新的技术、开发工具、参考体系结构或其他解决方案方法而兴奋不已。

4.When you get excited about something it's easy to start talking faster and faster.当你对某事很兴奋时语速很容易变得越来越快。

5.However, it has only taken a few months for Europe's biggest clubs to get excited about Catalunya's latest midfield sensation.然而赛季开始几个月后,欧洲各大俱乐部已经开始为这名加泰罗尼亚球队的中场新星兴奋不已。

6.People get excited about it in a way they would not be about Hamburg.人们为这感到兴奋,对汉堡则不会有这样的感觉。

7.Choosing to see your tasks or goals as things that are fun, as things to get excited about you can actually start looking forward to them.如果你选择把你要完成的任务或目标看作有趣的,能让你兴奋起来的事,你会真正地期待它们的圆满结果。

8.you know, nothing to get excited about.你要知道没什么好兴奋的。

9."We get excited about something and then end up speaking in Chinese. " she said.她说:“我们因为某些事情而变得兴奋,最终我们以讲中文结束。”

10.So along with blossom, Easter eggs and hot-cross buns, we now have one more thing to get excited about this spring!在这个春天里,除了盛开的鲜花、复活节蛋和十字面包外,我们又多了一个令人刺激的事儿啦。