


美式发音: 英式发音: ['lʌksɔ:]





un.1.city in east central Egypt, on the Nile River.

1.卢克索卢克索Luxor)位于开罗以南700千米的尼罗河的右岸,是埃及中东部的历史古城,也是著名的旅游中心。它古时是大名鼎鼎 …

2.路克索路克索luxor)至亚斯文(aswan)间观光时间固定,因为有军队及警察护送就不再赘述。如果要更省钱(LP p.291)Upper E…

3.乐蜀在乐蜀(Luxor) 的主要景点是帝皇谷(The Valley of the Kings),那是一群法老皇的陵墓,就好像北京的明十三陵。在游客接待处 …

4.埃及祖玛埃及祖玛(Luxor)是神秘的女神伊希斯招唤你来进行战斗,通过88个令人目眩神迷的关卡,挑战恶魔邪恶的力量。你可以使用神 …

5.金字塔金字塔LUXOR):古埃及风情,整个酒店前一部分就是一座由黑色玻璃修建的金字塔,金字塔前匍匐着巨型狮身人面相,两 …

6.勒克索埃及古城勒克索(Luxor)26日发生热气球爆炸坠毁意外,造成19人不幸死亡。当地政府初步调查认定是「人为操作不当」,驾驶 …

7.埃及卢克索位於埃及卢克索Luxor)尼罗河西岸的和皇后谷,存在著庞大皇室陵墓,每天都有数千名游客涌入,游客的呼吸与墓室内通风 …


1.As they enter the exhibit at the Luxor Hotel, each visitor receives a boarding pass with the name of an actual passenger aboard the Titanic.当他们进入在卢克索酒店展览,每位游客收到带有一个登上泰坦尼克实际旅客姓名的登机牌。

2.Fortunately, three days before we were due to leave, the ban on inessential travel to Luxor was pfted.幸运的是在我们出发前三天,禁止前往卢克索“非必要旅行”的禁令取消了。

3.There has been no violence in Luxor; none of our cpents wanted to leave.在卢克索没有暴力,我们的顾客也不愿退团。

4.The temple of Queen Hatshepsut was one such unique mortuary temple in the west bank of the Nile in Luxor.海西珀休特女王的庙宇正是一座建筑在尼罗河西岸的非常独特的陵园。

5.This makes Luxor a hub of activity and history, and the Nile Palace hotel is in easy walking distance of it all.这使得卢克斯特中心的活动和历史,和尼罗河宫酒店是容易步行距离之内这一切。

6.The Luxor, a hotel and casino on The Las Vegas Strip in Paradise, Nevada, United States due to its pyramidal structure.在卢克索,酒店和赌场的拉斯维加斯大道在天堂,内华达州,美国由于其金字塔结构。

7.We had been told to remain on the boat until we reached Luxor that evening.我们被要求呆在船上,直到傍晚时到达卢克索才能下船。

8.Upon confirmation, they offered to return the body to Egypt, where it is now housed at the Luxor Museum.基于这一证实,他们将木乃伊归还给了埃及,木乃伊现在被存放于卢克索博物馆。

9.The desolate rocky place on the western bank of the Nile River near Luxor was supposed to be the ultimate hidden burial.尼罗河西岸靠近鲁克斯特处有一个荒芜的石地,被人猜想是最终隐藏的陵墓。

10.Istnofret's tomb has never been found, though it is probably on the West Bank at Luxor.爱斯特纳费尔特Istnofret墓从来没有被发现,但可能是在约旦河西岸在卢克索。