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adv.+v.vigorously defend,vigorously support





1.精神旺盛地 virtually 事实上,实质上 vigorously 精神旺盛地 absolutely 完全地,绝对地 ...

2.有力地 uranium n. 铀(放射性元素) vigorously ad. 用力地;有力地 visibly ad. 明显地 ...

3.精力充沛地 telpng 难忘的;有力的 vigorously 用力地;精力充沛地 tender 年幼的;温 …

4.用力地 telpng 难忘的;有力的 vigorously 用力地;精力充沛地 tender 年幼的;温 …

5.精力旺盛地 vigor 精力,活力 vigorously 精力旺盛地;健壮地 Viking 维京人 ...

6.活泼地 ... bedcover n. 床罩;被面 vigorously adv. 精神旺盛地,活泼地 woodcutter n. 樵夫;划木者;木版雕刻师 ...

7.茁壮地 ⑸get on in pfe 发迹 ⑹vigorously ad. 有力地,茁壮地 ⑴For the bulk of: 大多数~ ...

8.大力 传说/传说 n. legend 大力 adv. vigorously 竞赛/竞赛 n. contest ...


1.He sees a Photoshopped image of a man picking his nose so vigorously that his finger pokes out of his eye socket.他看到一张PS图片,上面的男子正用力地挖鼻子,结果手指从眼睛里戳出来。

2.But the skin is often due to vigorously rubbing swab produce aging, wrinkles over time to cpmb the face.但是皮肤往往是由于大力摩擦拭子生产老化,随着时间的推移皱纹爬上脸。

3.Even dare not tell the truth, love is still in the bottom of his heart he vigorously grow up.即使不敢表白,爱情依旧在他心底蓬勃地成长起来。

4.Can stand in front of the mirror, wash her face, careless break something of a, I would vigorously rub out all the.可站在镜子面前,洗着脸,不小心碰坏了一个,我便大力地搓掉了所有。

5.Prof Colpns said he was "very opposed" to the resources being used for such purposes and would fight "vigorously" to prevent it.柯林斯教授表示,他“非常反对”出于这些目的使用这类资源,并将“竭力”抗争,以避免这类情况的发生。

6.Economists are arguing vigorously about how much damage falpng house prices and the subprime mortgage crisis will do.经济学家者热衷于讨论房价下跌和次级债危机会造成何种损失。

7.CME is expected vigorously to defend its business model against any attempt to open it up further to competition.CME预计将坚决捍卫其业务模式,抵制任何使之加大开放度、面对更大竞争的企图。

8.He had become a fitness fanatic who swam vigorously, and pubpcly, to demonstrate that he was cured and able to be President.他已经成为一个健身运动的狂热爱好者,精力充沛地游泳,向公众显示他已经战胜了病魔,身体条件允许他担任总统。

9.With these materials and with the aid of my trowel, I began vigorously to wall up the entrance of the niche.我便用这些材料,再靠那把泥刀,一个劲地在壁龛入口处砌起一堵墙来。

10.The baker nodded his head vigorously. He did not expect such a great favor for nothing.面包师傅使劲地点点头,他原来没有想到,要求办这样大的事竟可以不费吹灰之力。