


美式发音: 英式发音: 






na.1.The variant of Linda

1.琳达 ... Selma 译名塞尔玛; 赛尔玛; 塞尔马。 Lynda 译名琳达; 林达。 Daisy 译名黛西; 戴西; 代西。 ...

4.史蒂夫·奥斯汀 ... 演员:史蒂文·席格 Steven Seagal 演员:史蒂夫·奥斯汀 Lynda 演员:艾什丽·斯科特 Ashley Scott ....Molly Porte…

5.宋继文 Fang 施放 Lynda 宋继文 Lianke 宋联可 ...

6.流媒体服务 Lumia920T 旅游应用 Lynda 流媒体服务 Lumia710 乐酷天关闭 ...

7.两大一小 ... 2大2小 tyyqh 两大一小 lynda 报名参加,1大1小 blueice ...


1.In early 1983, I hired Lynda Dixon, who took care of me for a decade and continued to work in my Arkansas office when I became President.1983年初,我雇了琳达.迪克逊,她在我身边服务了10年,而且,在我当上总统之后,仍留在我的阿肯色州办公室工作。

2.'It's hard to even imagine just how much water was displaced, ' said Lynda Lastowka, seismologist at the United States Geological Survey.美国地质调查局(UnitedStatesGeologicalSurvey)的地震学家拉斯托卡(LyndaLastowka)说,难以想象有多少海水被挪移开来。

3.One July day, Lynda Dixon told me that Roger Porter was on the phone from the White House.7月的某一天,琳达.迪克逊告诉我,罗杰.波特从白宫打来电话。

4.Lynda: Calls my dad and tells him what I said. Yeah, that C-U-N-T needs to get laid!琳达:打电话给我爸爸,告诉他我都说了什么。是的,阿谁贱女人逝世定了!

5.Carmel, Ind. , gynecologist Dr. Lynda Smirz knows it's not enough to ask her teen patients if they're having sex.Carmel妇科医生,LyndaSmirz医生知道这样问她的青年病患是否有过性生活是不够的。

6.Turn it down just a pttle bit, Lynda, please. [music] Major or minor?请把音量关小一点,Lynda。【放音乐】大小还是小调?

7."It's an excellent opportunity, as long as you're not doing it just to meet people, " says Lynda Zakrzewski, national director of Boardnet.“只要你参与的目的不只是为了结识更多人,这是个绝佳的机会,”LyndaZakrzewski,Boardnet的全国主席如是说。

8.Lynda's gentle, well-modulated, Engpsh voice calms, re-assures and encourages as you psten.琳达的温柔,以及调制,英语语音镇静,重新保证,并鼓励你听。

9.And I'm sure that these are things that Lynda has thought quite a bit about and will tell us things about later today.我相信琳达对这些都有,很多思考,今天会向我们,讲这个问题。

10.Lynda you can't come to Princeton leaving without something orange and black something large is left. Thank you. Thank you so much.琳达,到了普林斯顿,不带走一些橙黑色的东西可不对,谢谢,非常感谢。