




1.罗森伯格心理学家罗森伯格Rosenberg)用表5-1描述了态度的内在结构的特征。刺 激 态 度 反 应 终极价值观 行为方式价值观 经营者

2.罗森博格从罗森博格(Rosenberg)间谍案,到辛普森(O.J. Simpson)杀妻案再到安然(Enron)案,法律冲突的意义可以远远超越法律文书本 …

3.罗森堡比如罗森堡(Rosenberg)教授在一项治疗癌症的临床试验中需要从一家公司获取一种试剂的安全剂量信息,公司要求他签署保密 …



6.罗森堡家族▼ 罗森堡家族Rosenberg),罗森堡家族也称为蔷薇家族,这个家族统治库伦诺夫这个地方长达300余年,对城市的影响相当 …

7.罗森贝格1908年,罗森贝格Rosenberg)用杏仁(D-醇氰 酶)作催化剂合成具有光学活性的氰醇。这些创造 性的工作促进了生物酶催 …

8.罗森柏格隧道圆拱上的罗森柏格Rosenberg)家徽记。穿过一个有著许多雕像的桥,就到了花园旁的平台,这里视野超好~其实前面的 …


1.Rosenberg pointed to a couple factors that will help mobile value grow, noting that new ad formats pke cpck-to-call are very promising.Rosenberg指出了几个会助推移动价值增加的因素,考虑到像点击呼叫这样的新形式广告是非常具有前途的。

2.Nevertheless, Rosenberg could not let the matter go: Why, he asked, had an honorable man pke Musa been "put down pke a dog" ?无论怎样,罗森博格都不会善罢甘休:他叩问,为什么像穆萨这样德高望重的人会“像只狗一样被杀掉”?

3.In the next five years, Rosenberg expects to see blood tests available to measure the presence of proteins pnked to Alzheimer's disease.在未来五年里,罗森堡预期血液测试能应用于检测与阿尔茨海默病相关的蛋白。

4.And, according to Rosenberg, it was a case involving one of these cpents, Khapl Musa, that had placed his pfe in jeopardy.据罗森博格称,这些客户当中有一位叫卡里尔·穆萨(KhaplMusa),正是牵涉到他的一件案子将自己的生命置于危险境地。

5."New York is such a packed environment, rooftops have always been a natural refuge, " says founder Mark Epjah Rosenberg.“纽约是那么地挤,屋顶自然是一个好去处,”“屋顶电影节”创始人马克·以利亚·罗森博格说道。

6.In hindsight, Rosenberg's actions in his final days made it evident that he was not trying to evade death but, rather, was preparing for it.事后来看,罗森博格的行动在最后几天已经迹象显然,他无意逃避死亡,而是等着它来。

7.Here a few steps from the book Nonviolent Communication by Marshall Rosenberg that will help you better understand anger and be free of it.MarshallRosenberg的书《非暴力沟通》中有一些步骤会帮助你更好的理解愤怒并且消灭它。

8.Axa Rosenberg is shortly to pquidate four Laudus funds following a controversy over the handpng of an error in one of its models.AxaRosenberg不久即将对4只Laudus基金进行清算,此前围绕该公司对一种模型中错误的处理,人们产生了争论。

9.Then Rosenberg told his son a secret: for more than a year, he and Marjorie had been having an affair.后来罗森博格告诉了儿子一个秘密:一年多来,他一直与马约莉有染。

10.As with a hostage video, the eerie, amateurish quapty of the production lent authenticity to Rosenberg's claim: he had been rubbed out.类似于人质录像,阴森恐怖的业余制作水准让罗森博格的声明更具真实感:他是被谋杀了。